Tag: Journalism

Craigslist founder and philanthropist Craig Newmark was interviewed by Robert Siegel, discussing topics such as AI, birds, science fiction, Taylor Swift's music, and his plans to support journalism further if he had Elon Musk's resources.
Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist turned philanthropist, engaged in a wide-ranging conversation with Robert Siegel, touching on topics like AI, his interests in birds and music, and his support for journalism.
The text discusses how mainstream media and social media often manipulate Israeli-Palestinian opinions by crafting narratives that maximize attention and outrage, with a focus on what is not covered or omitted, rather than outright lies.
The Washington Post has been criticized for its reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically in a recent article that omitted key details about the captivity of Israeli hostages by Hamas.
The Washington Post's new publisher delivers a candid message to the staff about the decline in quality, audience, and financial losses the newspaper has experienced.
"Tokyo Vice" season two on BBC1 continues to captivate viewers with its depiction of Japan's criminal underworld through the eyes of Jake Adelstein, a Jewish American journalist who breaks into the insular world of Japanese journalism to expose yakuza criminality.
Jacob Magid, U.S. Bureau Chief for the Times of Israel, discusses various topics including Israel's campaign against Hamas, anti-Israel sentiment on American campuses, U.S.-Israel relations, rising antisemitism, and challenges faced as a journalist.
Milene Klein, a Jewish Columbia student and former chief of the opinion desk at the Columbia Spectator, grappled with her anti-Zionist views while navigating the tumult of pro-Palestinian protests on campus.
The essay criticizes mainstream media's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting common false premises perpetuated by laziness, ignorance, and racism, impacting reporting accuracy.
The article highlights the life stories of several individuals who made remarkable contributions.
Barbara Walters, known for her groundbreaking career as a television journalist, is explored in the biography "The Rulebreaker" by Susan Page.
Joseph Lieberman, the recently deceased retired senator, is remembered as a kind and unpretentious man who took his Jewish faith seriously but without arrogance.
Alex Garland's new film "Civil War" depicts a dystopian future where a third-term U.S. president dissolves the FBI, leading to an authoritarian state and a violent national breakup.
The text reflects on the enduring relevance of George Orwell's work, particularly his journalistic integrity and clear, urgent writing style which continues to serve as a compass for those seeking clarity in a complex world.
Israel's decision to ban Al Jazeera from the country based on a law giving authorities the power to shut down foreign networks for security concerns has been seen as a move toward dictatorship by Eric Alterman.
Yasmine Ayyoub, a psychologist from Gaza, managed to escape the war-torn region with her husband to Cairo, thanks to donations from readers and a company facilitating their passage through the Rafah border.
The essay discusses the convergence of political and emotional turmoil experienced in the context of Israel, the Palestinians, and the Jewish community, particularly highlighted through a controversy involving an article critical of Israel in a leftist literary journal.
In a discussion focusing on the language used in media coverage of Israel and Palestine, the choice of words like apartheid, settler colonialism, and human shields sheds light on differing perspectives.
In a poignant article titled "A Young Soldier Prepares for a Different Kind of Battle" by Steven A. Rosenberg, the story of Yoav, a 30-year-old Israeli soldier who lost part of his leg in combat against Hamas, is shared.
Peter Pomerantsev's book "How To Win An Information War" delves into the wartime propaganda tactics of individuals like Sefton Delmer, a foreign correspondent turned head of Special Operations for the British Political Warfare Executive during World War II.
The article discusses David Stromberg's work translating Isaac Bashevis Singer's journalistic pieces for the Yiddish Forverts, shedding light on Singer's lesser-known contributions to journalism during the 1940s.
The text discusses the author's experience with the BBC during a job interview, highlighting the BBC's bias against Israel and Zionism, which is viewed as a form of antisemitism.
Calvin Trillin, a prolific writer known for his humor columns, political poetry, and journalism pieces, recently released his book "The Lede: Dispatches From a Life in the Press," showcasing his diverse writing talents.
The author discusses the concept of "kneytsh," which is Yiddish for nuance, highlighting its importance in understanding complex issues like the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Armin Rosen is a staff writer for Tablet Magazine.