Tag: Kashrut

A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behavior and fostering mindfulness in observance of other mitzvot.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, shared in a deposition that a brain worm caused his memory loss, likely from a pork tapeworm, possibly a consequence of his consumption of non-kosher foods.
"Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism" is a new book by Lance J. Sussman, a recently retired rabbi of a large Reform congregation in Philadelphia.
The article discusses the kashrut of bread in Jewish dietary laws.
In this video, Rabbi Amrom Nemeth discusses the differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi practices regarding kashrut (Jewish dietary laws).
The Jewish culinary history of South Carolina dates back to the late 1600s when Sephardic Jews, exiled from Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition, sought refuge in the state.
The author discusses the controversy surrounding the kashrut of a particular species, which is commonly assumed to be not kosher.
The author discusses the laws of kashrut for birds and the different viewpoints of Jewish scholars regarding the signs that determine whether a bird is kosher or non-kosher.
The term "baal teshuvah" refers to secular or non-Orthodox Jews who become Orthodox.
The author addresses the question of whether it is a sin to kill a giraffe and provides insights into why giraffe meat is not commonly consumed within the Jewish community.
This article explores the controversy surrounding Rashi's statements about the natural world.
Jewish Action, a magazine, has won seven Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism at the American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference.
Rabbi Berel Wein played a crucial role in building the OU Kosher division.
This article discusses various aspects of the kashrut of eggs.
Artichokes have been consumed by Jews for centuries, as mentioned in the Mishna and Talmud.
Dr. Judith Leff, a biochemist and ingredient technology specialist, made significant contributions to the field of kosher food production and supervision, particularly at OU Kosher.
The Conservative movement has issued a ruling stating that Jews may eat at vegetarian or vegan restaurants that do not have kosher supervision.
Ben Shapiro recently referred to Bernie Sanders as a non-Jewish ham sandwich with shrimp on lard bread.
Zeev Remer, a freshman Orthodox Jewish basketball player at California Lutheran University, faces challenges balancing his observant lifestyle with sports, often having to explain Jewish practices like Shabbat and dietary restrictions to his Christian teammates.
The article explores the cultural link between American Jews and Chinese food, particularly the tradition of eating Chinese food on Christmas.
The article discusses the celebration of the 100th anniversary of OU Kosher, an organization that certifies kosher food.
This article discusses the significant role that the Orthodox Union (OU) has played in revolutionizing kosher cuisine in the United States and securing the place of Orthodox Jewry in American society.
In this article, Rabbi Julius Berman discusses his involvement with the OU Kosher and the importance of maintaining high standards in kashrut certification.
This text is a collection of reminiscences and reflections by various individuals involved with the Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher organization.
Rabbi Yisroel Hollander, the senior rabbinic representative of Europe for OU Kosher, describes a typical week in his life, which involves traveling to various locations for factory inspections and supervision of kosher production.