Tag: Kosher

This text discusses the chaotic state of kashrut supervision in early 20th-century America that led to the establishment of the Orthodox Union's (OU) kosher certification.
The article provides a timeline of significant milestones in the history of Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher.
"The OU Kosher: The Inside Story" is an article published by the Orthodox Union (OU) that provides an overview of their kosher certification process.
Dr. Chaim Wasserman, former Chair of the OU Kashrut Commission, shares some anecdotes about his experiences with kosher certification.
This article discusses the Orthodox Union's (OU) Kosher certification program and provides some facts and figures related to its operations.
In this article by Molly Yeh, she shares her personal recipe and method for making chicken and stars soup, a classic Jewish dish.
Israeli startups are at the forefront of developing plant-based alternative proteins, with some of them ranking second worldwide in terms of funding.
The podcast episode discusses recent kosher controversies, such as non-Orthodox certification, disruptive behaviors at kosher establishments, and scandals involving individuals with kosher certifications.
The author reflects on the different attitudes towards mackerel in Norway, where some believed that the fish was unfit for eating due to a belief that it fed off the dead bodies of German soldiers during WWII.
This article discusses the author's experience of feeling isolated as the only plant-based eater during Passover and their journey towards hosting plant-based Seders.
The author reflects on his experiences leading Passover Seders for his family, both before and after becoming religiously observant.
In this article, the author explores the Jewish community in Los Angeles, specifically in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood.
Mushroom barley soup is a beloved comfort food in Jewish cuisine.
The Israel Story episode "Pigging Out" explores the historical and cultural significance of pigs in Israeli society.
The author shares their experience growing up with seafood in Norway, where they had access to a variety of prepared fish dishes.
This article discusses how OU Kosher, the largest kosher certification agency in the world, had to adapt its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the continued availability of kosher food.
In this personal narrative, the author describes their experience of creating a delicious Passover granola with a friend.
The article encourages readers to share their favorite Pesach recipes with the community.
Larry King, the iconic TV talk show host, changed his name early in his career to fit the broadcasting industry's norms.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many couples to rethink their wedding plans.
In this collection of letters from the Fall 2020 issue of Letters, several topics are discussed.
A video of Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, making a biscuit cake sparked controversy and social media backlash in Israel.
The author reflects on her family's varied Jewish traditions and how they rediscovered Shabbat during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the past 30 years, Robyn and Jeffrey Shiovitz have held a festive Passover Seder in their basement adorned with a colorful tent, now attended by close family due to current events.
The article discusses the health risks associated with vaping, especially with THC-containing products like e-cigarettes.