Tag: Loneliness

A woman shares her journey of feeling alone and angry at G-d after her divorce, but eventually finds healing, remarries, and empowers others to thrive.
After a reclusive man's passing, his meticulously emptied apartment stirs curiosity among neighbors.
Dave Malloy's bold, innovative musical "Three Houses" presented at Signature Theatre explores lockdown-era isolation through a unique interpretation of The Three Little Pigs tale, featuring characters Susan, Sadie, and Beckett reminiscing on their pandemic experiences in Latvia, New Mexico, and Brooklyn.
The author discusses the importance of relationships for a healthy and happy life, drawing from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which highlighted the significance of strong social connections in overall well-being.
The discussion explores the theme of loneliness, empathy, and unity in the context of the Talmudic story of Choni and the weekly Torah portion Metzora.
The author reflects on her experience as a single, observant Jewish woman and the challenges she faces in finding a place within the Jewish community.
"Unmatched" is a book written by Sarah Lavane, a pseudonym, that explores the journey of an Orthodox Jewish woman in search of a compatible life partner.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's attempts to address the crisis at the southern border, attributing the root of the issue to actions taken during the Obama administration with good intentions.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts listen and respond to listener feedback on previous episodes on Romance & Commitment and the Origins of Judaism.
The COVID-19 lockdowns have exposed the loneliness and dissatisfaction experienced by many independent women.
The narrator of the text reflects on their experience of their father's illness and eventual death.
The biblical story of Ruth offers important lessons for overcoming loneliness and building connections in a society that feels increasingly alienating.
Sammy Kofer, a man of principle, stands out on a cruise ship due to his unconventional appearance, forward manner, and unique views on society and regulations.
In the poem "Being Single" by R. Rosenfeld, the experience of loneliness, frustration, and societal judgment faced by single individuals, particularly women, is poignantly depicted.
In this reflective piece titled "My Last JDate," the author recounts her foray into online dating on JDate after 30 years of marriage and two years of loneliness.