Tag: Loss

The story "And Flowers Bloom Even Then" depicts a conversation between two sisters, Leahle and Rechy.
After losing her husband at a young age, the author recounts how her father stepped in to fill the void for her two sons.
In "Life, Loss and Legacy: A Mother-Daughter Love Story" by Lisa Lang, the author reflects on the impact of her mother's passing, her desire for children, and her journey of self-discovery.
The text follows a poignant journey of grief and loss as a woman shares the heartbreaking experience of losing her baby just before birth.
The author reflects on the sudden deaths of two friends, Kate and Hilda, due to cancer and contrasts their swift passing with her son's insistence on living life to the fullest despite illness, encapsulating the sentiment of "you only live once" (YOLO).
A mother recalls preparing for her daughter Havi's unconventional bat mitzvah at 18 months old, necessitated by Havi being diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease.
As Purim approaches amidst times of war and tragedy, the challenge of balancing joy with pain is daunting for many.
In a deeply personal reflection, Barry Kluger addresses the pain and regret of leaving his daughter behind after a divorce and moving on with his life.
The author reflects on past Mother's Days when they would shower their late mother with cards, chocolates, and flowers, a tradition now altered by their mother's recent passing.
The diary entries of an IDF soldier reflect on the ongoing war, sacrifices, and experiences in Gaza over the course of four months.
The author reflects on the experience of grieving the loss of her husband.
In this first-person narrative, a ten-year-old recounts the difficulties and loss experienced in their family.
This text explores the narrator's reflections on his relationship with his son, his regrets and guilt over past actions, and his feelings of isolation and purposelessness.
In this series of diary entries from an IDF soldier, the author reflects on the ongoing conflict and the toll it takes on both the soldiers and the nation.
In this heartfelt poem, the author reflects on the joy of the Jewish holidays, particularly Passover, with its focus on family, friends, food, and song.
Artist and illustrator Maira Kalman's exhibition at the Mary Ryan Gallery features gouache paintings, including a detailed image of E.F. Benson's garden room destroyed during WWII.
This article features personal narratives from three individuals who have experienced widowhood in the Orthodox Jewish community.
In this podcast discussion of an article from The Federalist, it is suggested that the New Right should avoid identifying as conservative due to conflicting views on the use of state power.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Mirlana Morris discusses the loss of her son, Donny, and how she chooses to perpetuate his memory.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Mirlana Morris discusses the loss of her son, Donny, in the Meron tragedy and how she chooses to live a life of emunah (faith) rather than being angry with God.
The text discusses the sorrow over the unexpected passing of P.J. O'Rourke, a friend and contributor.
The author discovers a half-finished knitting project in her sister's belongings after her sister's death from cancer.
The author reflects on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of normalcy and loved ones.
A mother mourns the death of her child, feeling the weight of grief and anger.