Tag: Memorial

The Nova Music Festival Exhibition serves as a poignant commemoration of the tragic massacre that occurred during the festival in Israel.
Karen Frostig, an artist and descendant of Holocaust victims from the Jungfernhof camp in Latvia, has been on a mission to establish a memorial for the nearly 4,000 Jews who perished there, including her grandparents.
Eliran Abergel, a police officer defending Kibbutz Beeri from Hamas terrorists, was killed in action, leaving his wife Eden pregnant with their first child.
"MEMORIAL" is a documentary film by Jon Siskel that delves into the mass shooting that struck Highland Park, Illinois, on July 4, 2022, resulting in seven fatalities and 48 injuries.
A new exhibit in Tel Aviv has recreated the site of the Nova music festival massacre, which took place on October 7, 2022.
A new memorial is being unveiled at the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, commemorating the tragic event where 146 workers died in 1911.
In a recent auction, a prayer book from 1757 was sold for 57,000 pounds.
New technology has been used to identify Holocaust gravesites in Latvia and the Netherlands.
The author reflects on attending a ceremony in Berlin to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the infamous Nazi book burnings.
The article highlights the participation and sacrifices made by ethnic and religious minority groups in Israel, particularly the Druze, Bedouins, Christians, and Circassians, on Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Memorial Day.
The author reflects on his love for benches and the inscriptions found on memorial benches.
Seventy years after the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, descendants of survivors gathered to share their memories and emphasize the importance of Holocaust remembrance.
In Slovakia's city of Koice, once home to a significant Jewish community before the Holocaust, efforts are underway to build a memorial honoring the city's lost Jewish residents.