Tag: Middle East Conflict

The essay criticizes the Palestinian propaganda's misleading use of maps to depict Israel as imperialist and colonialist.
CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both Jewish, will moderate the upcoming 2024 presidential debate raising anticipation over questions about Israel.
The text provides a strategic guide on how to effectively defeat Hamas and other terrorist organizations, emphasizing the need to understand and adapt to the tactics employed by such groups.
In response to anti-Israel campus encampments, there is a growing awareness in the pro-Israel community about the challenges on American campuses.
The video discusses the reunification of Jerusalem by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967.
President Joe Biden's statements regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's actions during the conflict with Hamas have led to confusion and mixed messaging.
European student activists, inspired by the United States, have been successful in urging their universities to divest from Israeli-linked companies or boycott Israeli institutions due to concerns related to Israel's actions in Gaza.
The video discusses Israel's control over Bethlehem and Hebron following the Six Day War in 1967 and the historical significance of these areas to the Jewish People.
The video explores the circumstances leading to the Six Day War in 1967, analyzing Israel's vulnerabilities, threats, and surrounding tensions with the Arab countries in the region.
The video delves into the historical significance of the Six Day War, where Israel emerged victorious against four Arab armies in a brief timespan, leading to ongoing territorial disputes.
The text discusses the Biden administration's offer to trade Yahya Sinwar, a senior Hamas leader, for guarantees to keep Israeli military out of Rafah.
A recent poll conducted in battleground states indicated that approximately 13% of voters who had previously supported President Joe Biden but are now withdrawing their support cite his Gaza policy as the primary reason.
The text discusses the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict seven months after it began, through a collaboration between the Jerusalem Unplugged podcast and host Robert Mazza along with Gilad Halpern from the Tel Aviv Review.
Jewish teens are sharing their experiences of feeling unsupported and unequipped to handle discussions on Israel-Palestine conflicts in public schools, with many schools failing to provide adequate education or resources.
The 36th annual March of the Living commemoration in Poland, honoring the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust, was marked by protests by pro-Palestinian groups claiming ongoing genocide in the Middle East.
The text discusses the author's Islamophobic views, citing experiences of Palestinian terrorism rooted in Islamic fundamentalism and the history of conflicts involving Israel and Palestine.
"Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict" by Oren Kessler, an American-Israeli author, won the prestigious Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature for its exploration of the events between 1936 to 1939 in historic Palestine.
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, reflects on the significance of Passover, emphasizing the themes of freedom, solidarity, and compassion.
An analysis of the recent drone and missile strikes by Iran on Israel and the potential for a wider war, featuring discussions on Iran's motives, Israel's options, U.S. strategy, Arab reactions, and geopolitical ramifications by experts Aaron David Miller, Robin Wright, and Robert Siegel.
The writer expresses initial anger and hurt upon a relative declining to attend the family seder due to discomfort with traditional texts and intentions, feeling conflicted about the rejection of a beloved tradition but reflecting on the nature of family traditions and adaptation.
The article reflects on Francis Fukuyama's idea of the "end of history" as the final evolution to liberal democracy, which has been challenged by recent events such as the resurgence of totalitarian regimes, radical Islamism, and growing antisemitism.
The article discusses the recent Iranian attack on Israel, highlighting how it has unveiled the broader conflict in the Middle East beyond just Israeli-Palestinian tensions.
The text discusses why the Israeli army, particularly the IDF, is known for its humanitarian efforts, especially in conflict situations like the recent Israel-Hamas conflict.
The text is a critical letter addressed to U.S. President Joe Biden, expressing dissatisfaction with his administration's approach to Israel and Jewish-related issues.
The text discusses a double standard in the global spotlight on Israel and Jews, highlighting instances of violence and oppression elsewhere that receive less attention.