Tag: Migration

Yasmine Ayyoub, a psychologist from Gaza, managed to escape the war-torn region with her husband to Cairo, thanks to donations from readers and a company facilitating their passage through the Rafah border.
Germany is facing challenges reminiscent of its past, with issues such as a migrant influx, economic stagnation, and political divisions.
Israeli Knesset member Danny Danon has suggested voluntary population transfer as an option for Gaza residents, with South American and African countries expressing interest in accepting Palestinian Arab refugees in return for monetary compensation.
The text discusses the situation of African immigrants in Israel, particularly those from Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan.
The author reflects on their journey of exploring their Ukrainian Jewish heritage and grappling with their identity.
Dr. Yossi Harpaz from Tel Aviv University explores the changing dynamics of citizenship in his book "Citizenship 2.0."
In his book "Citizenship 2.0," sociologist Dr. Yossi Harpaz from Tel Aviv University explores the changing relationship between citizenship and other sociological concepts.
In his book "Humanity at Sea: Maritime Migration and the Foundations of International Law," Itamar Mann explores the relationship between migration, humanity, and international law.
Itamar Mann, a Professor of Law at the University of Haifa, is known for his expertise in international law and legal theory.
Many young Israeli Jews are choosing to move to Germany, three generations after the Holocaust, raising questions about their motivations and how they justify their decisions.
Young Israeli Jews, three generations post-Holocaust, are increasingly relocating to Germany, prompting questions about their motivations and the reactions in Israel.
Mira and her family navigate daily life in Israel, with Mira reflecting on the ease of becoming a citizen, the responsibilities it entails, and the complexities of their new surroundings.
Alejandro Paz, an anthropology professor at the University of Toronto, explores the unique community of Latinos in Israel in his book "Latinos in Israel: Language and Unexpected Citizenship."
Hasia Diner's book "Roads Taken" explores the challenging and significant role of Jewish peddlers in forging new communities across the world in the 19th and 20th centuries.
A significant increase in French Jews making aliyah to Israel is driven by a growing sense of insecurity due to rising anti-Semitism in France.
A Catskills bungalow colony with a rich history dating back to 1941, originally founded by Nathan Jacoby, was recently the site of a reunion organized by his granddaughters.