Tag: Modesty

In a symposium on modesty in the modern age, Rabbi Reuven Brand emphasizes the importance of tzenius for meaningful lives in today's society.
A seasoned educator reflects on the evolution of teaching modesty (tzenius) to high school students, emphasizing a shift towards inner values and personal growth as opposed to solely focusing on outward appearance.
Social media presents a significant challenge in maintaining modesty, especially in terms of self-promotion and sharing personal content.
Gila Ross, an educator and podcaster, discusses the importance of accountability and thoughtful engagement on social media in a piece for a Jewish media outlet.
Tamar Zinnar, a young woman from New York, created the Bat Melech Boutique to provide free and low-cost modest clothing to young women embracing tzeniut.
The text explores the concept of tzenius (modesty) and its implications for communal leaders, particularly focusing on the multifaceted nature of tzenius in Jewish thought.
The author reflects on the challenges of navigating modesty and privacy in a household with a pre-teen daughter, highlighting the complexities of being the only male in a predominantly female family.
A tutorial on how a married Jewish woman covers her hair using headwraps and headcoverings.
In this article, written from a Centrist perspective, the author argues for a common sense approach to issues of modesty.
The text contains letters to the editor responding to discussions on modesty and fashion in Orthodox Jewish thought.
In this powerful letter, the author addresses survivors of child sexual abuse in the Jewish community.
This article discusses the challenges of teaching and practicing tzniut (modesty) in today's oversharing world.
In this essay, the author discusses the challenges of teaching modesty (tzenius) to teenagers, particularly in a world of constant social media and oversharing.
The article explores the concept of modesty in the biblical character of Ruth.
In this book review, the author discusses Michael A. Meyer's biography of Rabbi Leo Baeck, a prominent figure in German Jewish culture.
"Monologues from the Makom" is a collection of essays and poems by observant Jewish women exploring intimate topics like female sexuality within the Orthodox community.
The article challenges the idea that modesty can prevent sexual assault, discussing perspectives from various religious backgrounds like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
A father, Yosef Steinberg, grapples with his daughter's shift towards ultra-Orthodox values and away from secular literature, reflecting on his own background in Russian literature and Judaism.
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism.
The article delves into how the traditional role of Jewish mothers, characterized by self-sacrifice and high expectations, has evolved in modern times.
The text explores the complexities of Orthodox Jewish culture, particularly focusing on the pressures and expectations surrounding modesty.
Shalom Auslander explores various humorous hypothetical uprisings in his piece "The Fires Next Time."