Tag: Motherhood

"The Law of the Baby" by Mara H. Benjamin is a philosophical exploration of the nature of obligation in Judaism, using the experience of motherhood as a lens.
The artist Zo Buckman explores the intersection of hip-hop, feminism, and her Jewish identity through embroidered vintage lingerie featuring lyrics from Biggie and Tupac.
In the book "Gifts My Mother Gave Me: A Tribute to the Jewish Mother," different authors share stories illustrating the profound impact and valuable lessons passed down by their Jewish mothers.
The text discusses the author's experience of motherhood in Israel, influenced by Aviva Shalit, whose son Gilad was kidnapped.
In episode 135 of Unorthodox podcast, Peninah Lamm Kaplansky shares her experience with miscarriage, emphasizing the need for more support and dialogue on infertility and pregnancy loss within Jewish communities.
In the symposium discussing women's roles in Orthodox Judaism, Tamar Snyder Chaitovsky highlights the challenges faced by women in their thirties juggling familial, professional, and spiritual obligations in the Modern Orthodox community.
"Eternal Life" by Dara Horn is a novel that imagines the story of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai's mother, Rachel, who takes a vow at the Temple, granting her immortality.
The author recounts the harrowing experience of his wife going into premature labor at just 23 weeks and three days, resulting in their extremely premature daughter being born weighing only 1 pound.
The author describes her experience entering a therapist's office filled with clutter and how it triggers her memories of her mother's hoarding tendencies.
The writer reflects on her journey towards self-liberation and self-acceptance following her divorce, particularly in the context of celebrating Pesach without her children and the societal pressure to be liked by everyone.
The text recounts a reunion between two old friends, showcasing their divergent paths in life.
The article delves into how the traditional role of Jewish mothers, characterized by self-sacrifice and high expectations, has evolved in modern times.
In this personal narrative, the author discusses the pressure in Orthodox Jewish communities to have children soon after marriage.