Tag: National Security

The debate discussed at the Dissident Dialogues event in Brooklyn questioned whether Israel's war on Hamas was just.
The article discusses Israel's recent decision to confiscate video equipment used by the Associated Press (AP) near Gaza, under the guise of national security concerns.
Benny Gantz, the leader of Israel's National Unity Party, issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding a new war strategy or his resignation, setting the stage for potential government instability and early elections.
The Women Warriors website pays tribute to the 52 Israeli female soldiers and security personnel who lost their lives in the last seven months of war, emphasizing their bravery and contributions to the security establishment.
President Biden recently signed a bill mandating the sale of TikTok by its Chinese parent company ByteDance or face a ban, amid concerns over privacy, national security, and Chinese influence.
Iran's attack on Israel with over 300 missiles and drones elicited a range of reactions from various individuals and organizations.
David Wolkinson, an Orthodox Jewish real estate investor and Republican-leaning voter, emphasizes national security as his top priority in politics, expressing concern over Trump's handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Ukraine and Russia.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding charedim not serving in the IDF, highlighting the perspectives of those both in favor and against this exemption.
A bill that may lead to a ban of TikTok in the United States due to concerns over national security and antisemitism has gained bipartisan support, including backing from a major Jewish group, Jewish Federations of North America.
Yossi Cohen, the former head of Mossad and a potential future prime minister of Israel, discusses intelligence failures leading up to a significant event, his views on responsibility, the Palestinian state, and the possibility of entering politics in an interview.
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, a pro-Israel Democrat from Maryland, is preparing to retire, and his likely successor, Johnny Olszewski Jr., is vowing to continue supporting Israel in Congress.
Secular Israelis are increasingly considering leaving the country due to various factors such as security concerns, political disillusionment, and the high cost of living.
This article discusses the growing divide between the charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the rest of Israel.
Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) is emphasizing his national security expertise and support for Israel in his bid for the Senate against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), who faces legal challenges.
The shocking attack in southern Israel resulted in the most deadly killing of Jews since the Holocaust and has transformed Israel and the Middle East.
The article discusses the issue of government surveillance and censorship in the United States.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a crisis within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as thousands of air force reservists have stopped reporting for duty in protest of measures that would weaken the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court.
Yaakov Amidror, former national security advisor of Israel, argues that Israel must prepare for war with Iran, even without American assistance.
The arrest of a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman for leaking classified information has sparked debate over whether he is a whistleblower or an enemy of the regime.
The text discusses the phenomenon of disinformation and the government's response to it in the United States.
A new study warns that Israel could face a severe shortage of fresh water in the coming decades due to population growth.
Sweden and Finland have decided to join NATO in response to Vladimir Putin's failed invasion of Ukraine, breaking their longstanding policy of neutrality.
As tensions rise with the Russian massing of troops on the Ukrainian border, Haaretz provides insight into the potential impact on both the Biden administration and Israel.
On December 4, 2021, an explosion occurred near Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz, causing the evacuation of two nearby villages.
Tom Nichols' new book, "Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy," criticizes the masses for their ignorance and stupidity, arguing that they pose a threat to American democracy.