Tag: Nazi Germany

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is framed as a larger battle representing the Muslim Brotherhood versus the Western world, with Israel positioned on the side of the West.
Henry Winkler, known for his iconic role as the Fonz on "Happy Days," shares personal stories including his family's escape from Nazi Germany, struggles with dyslexia, and yearning for parental approval in his memoir "Being Henry: The Fonz and Beyond."
The video explores how Carl Laemmle, the founder of Universal Studios and a prominent figure in Hollywood, saved over 1,000 Jews from the Holocaust by using his influence and challenging antisemitism and immigration policies in America during the rise of Nazi Germany.
"The Commandants Shadow" is a new documentary that delves into the lives of the children of Rudolf Hss, the Nazi commandant of Auschwitz, exploring what they knew about the Holocaust.
In a discussion about Jewish anxiety and antisemitism, the author emphasizes that while there is a concerning spike in antisemitism today, it is not comparable to the Holocaust era as it is not state-sanctioned.
The text discusses the need for Jews to be aware of rising antisemitism and to consider historical precedents beyond the Holocaust, including periods like the Spanish Inquisition and the Soviet Union era, in assessing potential threats to Jewish life.
Jzef Sandel and Hersh Fenster were Jewish art enthusiasts who published encyclopedias in the 1950s, documenting the lives and works of Eastern European Jewish artists who perished in the Holocaust, preserving their legacies.
In this 2015 article, a Jewish activist reflects on her experiences surviving a bombing raid in Nazi Germany as a child, including the loss of family members and enduring postwar anti-Semitism in Germany.
"Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett serves as a poignant metaphor for the Israeli-Palestinian history due to its theme of waiting without resolution.
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has acknowledged its past endorsements of Nazi medical practices and slow response to Nazi Germany's antisemitic abuses in a historical retrospective.
Charles Lindbergh, the famed aviator known for his solo transatlantic flight in 1927, was honored in St. Louis with the naming of Lindbergh Boulevard in 1930.
Lt. Robert Rosenthal, a heroic pilot in Apple TV+'s Masters of the Air, is depicted as a Jewish soldier experiencing challenges during World War II, including surviving being shot down.
"Final Verdict" by Tobias Buck delves into the case of a 93-year-old man accused of involvement in the murders at Stutthof concentration camp and raises questions about personal responsibility and complicity during the Holocaust.
Peter Pomerantsev's book "How To Win An Information War" delves into the wartime propaganda tactics of individuals like Sefton Delmer, a foreign correspondent turned head of Special Operations for the British Political Warfare Executive during World War II.
The text reflects on experiences of antisemitism in Guatemala, highlighting a childhood encounter with a boy who called the author "Israel" in a derogatory manner, reminiscent of Nazi practices of assigning Jewish names.
Holocaust scholars have criticized Elon Musk's claim that the Holocaust could have been prevented with the existence of social media.
According to a report by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, there are currently fewer than 250,000 Holocaust survivors alive today.
The PBS documentary "Nazi Town, USA" explores the period in the 1930s when American citizens, affected by the Great Depression and influenced by racist policies and eugenic ideas, aligned themselves with groups like the German American Bund.
The article discusses the real story behind the movie "One Life," which portrays the efforts of Nicholas Winton, a British stockbroker who rescued Jewish children from the Nazis during the Holocaust.
The Berlin police are investigating the vandalism of a memorial dedicated to Jewish children rescued from the Nazis during New Year's Eve demonstrations.
The author recounts a skiing accident that he and his family experienced during a vacation in the Dolomites.
The article discusses Harvard University's history of anti-Semitism and its connection to the Nazi regime in the 1930s.
This article discusses Albert Einstein's experiences with antisemitism 100 years ago in Berlin and draws parallels to the present day.
A Senate hearing on school book bans recently took place at Capitol Hill, where the debate on parental control over children's access to books in schools and libraries was discussed.
Under pressure from Holocaust survivor groups and Jewish community organizations, Christies has canceled future auctions of the Heidi Horten jewelry collection, which was acquired through Jewish persecution.