Tag: Neturei Karta

Royce White, a former NBA player turned right-wing podcaster, secured the Minnesota GOP's Senate endorsement despite his history of employing conspiratorial rhetoric about the Jewish elite and the Holocaust on social media.
The text discusses the reasons and justifications provided by a member of the Haredi Israeli yeshiva world, Dovid Kornreich, for Charedi exemptions from the Israeli army draft.
The video discusses the controversial group Neturei Karta and questions whether they truly represent authentic Judaism according to the worldwide organized Jewish community.
Renowned historian William Dalrymple, known for his accolades in the field, has come under scrutiny for his recent social media posts focusing on Israel and its supporters, including a confrontation with a young Jewish woman expressing fear of anti-Jewish sentiment.
In a surprising act of kindness, the Satmar chasidim provided food to a group of IDF soldiers who were stuck without supplies for Shabbat.
The author expresses their concern and dismay at seeing members of Neturei Karta, a fringe ultra-Orthodox Jewish group, participating in protests alongside Palestinians and their sympathizers.
The author discusses the issue of settler violence in Israel, particularly by religious Zionist extremists.
Sara Erenthal, a Brooklyn-based artist, recently held an exhibition titled "Sorry, I Cant Do This Right Now (But Im Doing it Anyway)" at the Brooklyn Artery.
The article discusses the controversial group, Neturei Karta, known for their strong opposition to Zionism and collaboration with pro-Palestinian activists.
In this Shiur (lecture), the panel discusses the question of whether Zionism is a bad word.
Neturei Karta is a fringe Haredi sect founded in the late 1930s with a strongly anti-Zionist stance.
The author reflects on her experience attending the massive March for Israel in Washington, D.C., which was the largest rally of the Jewish community in her lifetime.
This Shiur (study session) explores the question of whether Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization, is allowed to save members of the Neturei Karta, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group, on Shabbat.
In the book "Kidnapped!" by Motti Inbari, the author explores the story of Ruth Ben David, a French convert to Judaism, who was involved in the kidnapping of Yosef (Yossele) Schumacher, a young Israeli boy, in 1960.
Ruth Ben David, a French convert to Judaism, led a thrilling and complex life.
Professor Motti Inbari from the University of North Carolina Pembroke explores the radical ultra-Orthodox movements of Neturei Karta in Jerusalem and Satmar Hasidim in Brooklyn in his book "Jewish Radical Ultra-Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity, Zionism and Women's Equality."
In 1960, a young Israeli boy named Yossele Schumacher was abducted by his Orthodox grandparents and hidden from his secular parents and Israeli authorities, sparking a nationwide search.