Tag: Religious Identity

In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Robyn, a Reform rabbi who works with interfaith families, and her son Benji, who now identifies as Orthodox and learns in the Mir Yeshiva, discuss the challenges and rewards of religious diversity within their family.
President Trump's four years in office have been marked by significant events such as the coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, impeachment, and controversial decisions affecting American Jews.
In her book "Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World," journalist Tara Isabella Burton explores the rise of bespoke religious identities in contemporary American culture.
In this poem, the poet reflects on the nature of worship and the concept of God.
The article "A Conversion Narrative of Sorts" written by Kelsey Osgood explores the author's personal journey of converting to Judaism.
The tragic suicide of South African teen Adam Seef during an Israel tour program has highlighted the mental health struggles faced by gap year participants, particularly related to identity and sexuality.
The writer reflects on how discovering the Jewish background of comic creators such as Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, and Stan Lee helped him embrace his heritage while reconnecting with his faith.
Tamar Manasseh shares her perspective on being labeled as a "black Jew" and discusses the complexities she faces as a Black person within the Jewish community.
Zev Eleff responds to Elli Fischer and Matt Williams' critiques of his essay "The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew," clarifying that his study does not delve into patterns of religious observance within Orthodox Judaism but focuses on the social-religious label of the Non-Observant Orthodox Jew, a term that emerged in the 1950s due to economic and social factors.
This text describes a Jewish traveler's experience observing Yom Kippur at a Buddhist meditation center in India.
The writer reflects on their experiences of dressing up for Purim, exploring the holiday's theme of blurring boundaries and the transgressive nature of the costumes.
The author recounts her journey of converting to Judaism and the pivotal role the ritual bath, mikveh, played in her conversion process despite initial reservations.