Tag: Religious Identity

The text discusses the dichotomy between two forms of Torah Judaism throughout Jewish history, highlighting the shift from a Judaism for a sovereign nation to one for a scattered minority.
Aaron Abramson, a former Israeli army member and believer in Jesus as the Messiah, has been appointed as the CEO of Jews for Jesus, making him the first Israeli to lead the organization known for its Christian missionary efforts to convert Jews.
Journalist Reuven Fenton's debut novel "Goyhood" explores the story of Martin Belkin, an Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he is not Jewish according to rabbinic law.
Students affiliated with Columbias Hillel responded to a protest movement on their campus, addressing slogans bordering on antisemitism and calling for respect for religious identity.
Professor Noah Feldman discusses the evolving relationship between young American Jews and the concept of Judaism as intertwined with social justice, questioning how Israel aligns with this view.
Jewish students at Columbia University have faced a surge in antisemitic incidents since October 7, including harassment, physical assault, and online attacks, leading many to conceal their Jewish identity.
The article discusses the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practices, highlighting how the community maintains its identity and religious traditions despite challenges.
The UK's Jewish population increase has been revised upwards, now reaching 287,000, largely attributed to growth in Strictly Orthodox communities and recognition of Jews identifying as ethnic-only rather than purely religious.
For a Jewish woman married to a Muslim man wondering how to raise their son, an Orthodox perspective underscores the importance of following Jewish teachings and nurturing the child's Jewish identity based on their Jewish mother, while a Progressive view suggests a flexible approach that separates religious status, identity, and education to allow the child to feel at home in both faiths.
Shua Brick, a 29-year-old Orthodox Jewish man, is believed to be the first openly gay congregational rabbi within Orthodox Judaism.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the anonymous guest discusses the consequences and aftermath of infidelity.
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast focuses on the topic of infidelity and its consequences.
In a column for the New York Times, Peter Beinart examines why Republicans in the United States are more likely to view China as an enemy compared to Democrats who tend to see Russia as a larger threat.
The 2020 Pew study found that many American Jews identify as Jewish culturally or ethnically, but not religiously.
This article features a conversation with 10 Jewish converts who represent diversity in various aspects of their identities.
The author reflects on the funeral of his uncle, who served in World War II and was honored for his military service.
The author reflects on his personal journey as a gay Torah Jew and relates it to the narrative of the acceptance of the Torah by the children of Israel.
A Jewish couple is conflicted about whether to circumcise their son for medical and moral reasons.
The Israeli television show "Chanshi" tells the story of an engaged Orthodox Jewish girl from Brooklyn who flees to Israel to fulfill her fantasies of sleeping with Israeli soldiers.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dovid Bashevkin explores the complexities of dating and how it relates to religious and romantic commitment.
Felix Frankfurter was the first foreign-born Jew to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939 under Franklin Roosevelt, embodying the promise of America for many Jewish immigrants.
The author of the first text emphasizes the importance of making Torah Judaism relatable and inspiring in order to keep students engaged and prevent them from opting out of the frum community as adults.
This article discusses the story of Eliyah Hawila, also known as Ali Hassan Hawila, who was recently exposed for lying about his Jewish heritage.
This article reflects on Leonard Cohen's Jewish legacy and cautions against co-opting him into a conventional framework of Judaism.
The article discusses David French's mission to encourage evangelical Christians to shed their partisan identity and focus on their religious identity.