Tag: Self Determination

The essay discusses the issue of equating hatred of Jews with Nazism, focusing on the anti-Semitic nature of hating Zionists and Israel.
The discussion revolves around the concept of resilience within the Jewish community, particularly in the face of ongoing threats and challenges.
Jewish students at Columbia University penned a message, emphasizing their pride in their Jewish identity and their support for Zionism as part of their heritage and connection to Israel.
The text discusses the historical context of Israel's struggles for independence and security, highlighting Golda Meir's speech in 1948 emphasizing the Jewish people's right to self-determination in their historic homeland.
The text discusses how Israel embodies values often championed by 'woke' progressives, despite criticism from some in that community.
The author argues against the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, claiming that it is a step towards another Lebanon and would doom the Zionist project.
In this article, the author discusses the perception and understanding of Zionism in Israel and around the world.
The article discusses the history of the anti-Zionist left in Israel, focusing on the Matzpen movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Morocco's agreement to normalize relations with Israel has been seen by some as a prize for its recognition of American sovereignty over Western Sahara.
"The Law of the Baby" by Mara H. Benjamin is a philosophical exploration of the nature of obligation in Judaism, using the experience of motherhood as a lens.
In his book "The 100 Years War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017," historian Rashid Khalidi discusses the Palestinian national struggle against Israel and various international forces that have hindered their self-determination.
Michael Brenner's book explores the complex history of the Zionist movement's quest for a "normal" Israel, highlighting the diverse views within early Zionism.
Chaim Gans, a political philosopher and law professor at Tel Aviv University, makes a notable contribution with his book "A Just Zionism: On the Morality of the Jewish State," which revisits and refashions the liberal argument supporting Zionism.