Tag: Spanish Inquisition

"The Jews Are Coming," a popular sketch comedy show in Israel, known for its irreverent humor about Jewish history, took a serious turn in response to the current challenges facing Israelis.
Onions have played a significant role in human history and remain a versatile and widely used vegetable today.
The text discusses the need for Jews to be aware of rising antisemitism and to consider historical precedents beyond the Holocaust, including periods like the Spanish Inquisition and the Soviet Union era, in assessing potential threats to Jewish life.
In this episode, Yael Krumbein discusses the story of Joanna of Burgos, a woman whose faith was tested during the 1391 massacres in Spain and the Spanish Inquisition.
Over 20 Jewish groups from the United States and Spanish-speaking countries are urging Spain's linguistic authority, the Royal Academy of Spanish (RAE), to remove two antisemitic definitions from its official dictionary.
Rabbi Gilberto Ventura leads a unique Jewish community in Catania, Sicily, made up mainly of Bnei Anusim (descendants of Jews who were forced to hide their religious practice during the Spanish Inquisition).
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is currently hosting an exhibit on the life and work of Juan de Pareja, a 17th-century Spanish artist who was formerly enslaved by Diego Velázquez, another prominent artist of the time.
The article discusses the Xueta community in Majorca, Spain, and their complex history.
This podcast episode delves into the lesser-known stories of two powerful Jewish women in history, Dona Gracia Mendes and Benvenida Abrabanel, who emerged during the Spanish Inquisition.
The history of modern chocolate is intertwined with Jewish contributions.
Cilantro, also known as coriander, has deep historical and cultural roots in Jewish cuisine.
In this article, the author shares a personal connection to her Sephardic grandmother through a recipe for spinach frittata, known as fritada espinaca.
This article discusses nine essential cookbooks that celebrate Sephardic cuisine.
Genie Milgrom, author of "Recipes of My Fifteen Grandmothers: Unique Recipes and Stories from the Times of the Crypto-Jews during the Spanish Inquisition," shares her journey of discovering her Jewish heritage that was hidden for generations.
Heba Nabil Iskandarani, a Palestinian refugee born in Dubai, has obtained Spanish citizenship after discovering her Jewish Sephardic roots.
Celebrate Purim and Yom Kippur with the Sephardic treat hojuelas, reminiscent of Esther's megillah scroll.
Swiss chard, a versatile and flavorful green, has a long history dating back to ancient times, with references by Aristotle and the Talmud emphasizing its health benefits.
In September 2017, the author visited Bitola, Macedonia, where they were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and respect for Jewish culture despite the absence of a Jewish community in the town.
The Spanish government's approval of a law offering citizenship to descendants of Jews expelled during the Inquisition in 1492 has prompted Seattle's Sephardi Jews to consider Spanish citizenship while preserving Ladino, the ancient Jewish language combining elements of different languages.