Tag: Spirituality

In this personal reflection, the author discusses the crisis of faith brought on by tragic events in Israel.
This article discusses the connection between Kabbalah, a school of thought in Jewish mysticism, and mental health.
The rabbis in this discussion have varying opinions on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on people's spiritual lives.
The 2020 Pew study found that many American Jews identify as Jewish culturally or ethnically, but not religiously.
This roundtable discussion explores the theme of robots and golems in literature and the implications they have for our understanding of spirituality and humanity.
The media docuseries "The Secrets of Hillsong" focuses on the downfall of the celebrity pastor and the scandals within the Hillsong megachurch in New York City.
The author explains why they enjoy reading on Shabbos.
The author describes themselves as a six-strand loaf of braided challah bread, with each strand representing a different flavor and essence.
In "Of Prayer in Solitude," Dov Frank explores the experience of praying alone in nature, away from the traditional Jewish community.
In this powerful letter, the author addresses survivors of child sexual abuse in the Jewish community.
In this podcast conversation between Jonathan Silver and Russ Roberts, they discuss the disappointment and promise of prayer.
Leo Tolstoy's views on sexual desire and its impact on spirituality are explored in his writings, particularly in works like Anna Karenina and The Kreutzer Sonata.
The article emphasizes the importance of seeing and addressing the struggles and challenges faced by individuals who are often invisible within the Jewish community.
This episode explores the basic structure of Kabbalah with a focus on the Ari's contributions, as well as the innovations in Kabbalah and Avodas Hashem by the Besht.
The author reflects on the importance of ritual in their life and the wonder of the variety of rituals people perform.
The author, a writer who converted to Judaism, reflects on their journey to becoming Jewish and their identity as a Jewish writer.
In this article, Rabbi Dr. Twerski discusses the concept of teshuvah (repentance) in relation to his experience treating alcoholism.
Norman Fischer's Selected Poems, published by Chax Press, encompasses three decades and explores profound and playful observations on language, spirituality, and contemplation.
The symposium titled "Sanctifying the Secular: A Torah u-Madda Approach to Popular Culture" explores the concept of Torah u-Madda in the Modern Orthodox community.
In his book "Faith at Work: Elevating Our Work Day Parashah by Parashah," Jeff Weinberg explores the connection between our work lives and our spiritual pursuits.
The article discusses the need for passionate engagement in Judaism and Jewish life, noting the challenges of assimilation and disinterest among young Jews.
Nissim Black, the Israeli-American rapper, discusses his career, experiences as a Black Jew in Israel, and his music's connection to his Jewish faith.
Bridge Projects, an art gallery in Los Angeles, explores art history, spirituality, and religious traditions.
Lara Rae is a talented comedian who is transgender and deeply spiritual.
The author reflects on the findings of a survey on Jewish Americans and the decline in Orthodox Jewish identification.