Tag: Spirituality

The text mentions Bob Rae, highlighting his Jewish background and questioning the interplay of politics and spirituality in his life.
The text reflects on the challenging task of finding sense and order within the Talmud, suggesting that perhaps the value lies in grappling with complexity and ambiguity to uncover meaning.
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, there is a call to view life as a precious gift and to embrace a new perspective.
Kathleen Wynne, the first female Premier of Ontario and the first openly gay Premier, discussed spirituality and religion on the podcast "Not That Kind Of Rabbi."
Laurie Brown discusses the common phrase "I'm spiritual but not religious," questioning its meaning which often includes activities like taking walks and meditating.
Rabbi Dr. Hillel Goldberg reflects on the transformative experience of gaining sight through surgery and the newfound appreciation for the literal concept of light.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts cover a range of topics including figure skaters performing to "Schindler's List" music, a conversation with Sarah Hurwitz about her book on finding Judaism's deeper meaning, and an interview with Jackson Crawford, an expert in Old Norse mythology.
The text discusses the Washington Nationals' World Series victory as a revelation for fans, symbolizing a cosmic unveiling of reality.
Jennifer Pastiloff, a popular yoga teacher and writer, is known for her exceptional listening skills, despite being profoundly deaf.
Rainbow Gatherings offer a unique blend of spirituality, counterculture, and communal living, attracting a diverse group of individuals, including a significant Jewish contingent.
The text discusses a review of an exhibition called "Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything," initially presented at the Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal and later at the Jewish Museum in New York.
Boysie Dikobe, a 28-year-old dancer with Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, is on a journey towards Judaism, with an official Conservative conversion planned for Rosh Hashanah.
The text depicts the author's experience facing Parkinson's disease in his early eighties, which has deeply affected his physical abilities and cognitive function, causing exhaustion, tremors, and cognitive slowness.
Dr. Joseph Maroon, a neurosurgeon, and medical director for the Pittsburgh Steelers, emphasizes the calming effect of prayer on patients before surgery, citing decreased stress levels and better healing outcomes.
The author reflects on her childhood experiences during Simchat Torah, where she felt a connection to God, perceiving His presence as she looked into the aron.
The author recounts their experience leading Rosh Hashanah services for Jewish inmates at Rikers Island, emphasizing the profound impact of connecting with the incarcerated individuals on a personal level.
Rav Kook, a renowned Jewish thinker, is reflected upon in relation to the classic film "2001: A Space Odyssey," which traces mankind's evolution from ape to angel.
The text explores the author's encounters with the divine, often through psychedelic experiences, questioning the relationship between man and God in Judaism.
The author discusses the symbolism of the four species used during Sukkot, traditionally representing different types of Jews and emphasizing the importance of individuality while being part of a unified community.
The author shares her struggle with an eating disorder that started during Yom Kippur in college, leading to self-hatred and unhealthy habits.
The author, Leslie, used to find great meaning in attending shul on Yom Kippur, with its emotional highs and routines, feeling a sense of doing the right thing.
A woman who used to celebrate Rosh Hashanah in an Orthodox synagogue reflects on her changing observance of the holiday as she embarks on a physically challenging hike through Zion National Park with her husband.
The article discusses challenges in tefillah education faced by many Jewish educators, highlighting a common focus on improving human aspects of prayer without addressing the essential aspect of teaching about God, the One to whom prayers are directed.
The author discusses the high costs associated with being Jewish, including expenses for synagogue membership, day school tuition, and kosher food.
The text explores two perspectives on the concept of spirituality within the Jewish tradition.