Tag: Torah Values

The weekly Torah portion of Shelach Lecha discusses the spies' report on the land of Israel, emphasizing how our outlook shapes our perceptions of reality.
SAR High School in Riverdale, New York is challenging taboos around sex education in Modern Orthodox high schools by introducing a Jewish Sexual Ethics course that combines Jewish values with open discussions on safe sexual practices.
The text discusses the issue of military service in the Israeli charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the moral and Torah-based arguments surrounding it.
The article explores the concept of ownership and its significance from a Jewish perspective.
This article explores the concept of vulnerability in Jewish life.
In American Orthodox Jewry, there has been a shift in socioeconomic tensions.
The article explores the dilemma faced by individuals and communities when deciding whether to form alliances with questionable or unsavory partners.
The author explores the tension between unity and passion in organized Jewish life.
The religious experience encompasses both devotion and passion, with American Orthodox Jewry demonstrating a significant rise in religious devotion, evident through various indicators like increased Torah study and religious observance.
In "A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World: Part 1" by Gil S. Perl, the concept of a Hedgehog - a core, passionate belief that drives success - is explored within Modern Orthodoxy.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein discusses the future of American Orthodoxy, emphasizing the need to focus on molding the character and constituency of the community while addressing issues like defections and the lack of strong spiritual leadership.
Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" delves into various contentious issues within the Jewish community, focusing on topics such as Zionism and feminism from a critical perspective.