Tag: White House

The author describes their experience at the White House attending a hearing on conflict-related sexual violence and watching the documentary "Screams Before Silence."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel, citing an "inconceivable" delay in deliveries.
Vice President Kamala Harris hosted a screening of the documentary "Screams Before Silence" at the White House, produced by Sheryl Sandberg, to shed light on the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists during a massacre in Israel.
The Washington Post has been criticized for its reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically in a recent article that omitted key details about the captivity of Israeli hostages by Hamas.
The writer contrasts Israel's successful hostage rescue with the presence of anti-American demonstrators in a park near the White House in Washington, D.C. The article suggests a stark difference in actions, with Israel portrayed positively for the rescues while the demonstrators are depicted negatively chanting "death to America."
Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the White House accusing President Joe Biden of not enforcing a red line to protect civilians in Gaza, amid ongoing anger on the left regarding U.S. policy toward Israel.
The Biden administration has denounced the pro-Palestinian student occupation of a Columbia University building, specifically criticizing their use of the term "intifada" as hate speech.
Antisemitism escalated to a boiling point at Columbia University, with incidents of harassment, threats, and physical assault against Jewish students, prompting a statement from the White House condemning the intimidation.
The White House has raised concerns after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans to shut down Al Jazeera's offices in Israel through a new law passed by the Knesset.
Jonathan Schanzer discusses the ongoing delay in a potential ground operation in Rafah between American and Israeli officials in today's podcast episode.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cancellation of a Washington visit led to rescheduling talks on Israels planned invasion of Rafah with President Biden, after Biden urged Netanyahu to send a delegation for discussions on the city on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a Washington visit by Israeli officials following a disagreement with President Joe Biden over Israels planned invasion of Rafah, a city on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing pressure from domestic rivals who are demanding the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
Benjamin Netanyahu's political opponents in Israel are organizing protests to demand the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
Saul Dreier, a 98-year-old Holocaust survivor and founder of the Holocaust Survivor Band, fulfilled his dream of playing the drums at the White House Hanukkah party.
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden launched the White House Holocaust Survivor Initiative, a program aimed at addressing the unique needs of Holocaust survivors as they age.
Top White House officials, including Douglas Emhoff, the Jewish Second Gentleman, are meeting with Jewish members of Congress to seek funding for key components of the administration's strategy to combat antisemitism.
The author discusses President Joe Biden's recent comments at the White House Hanukkah celebration, where he stated, "Were there no Israel, there wouldnt be a Jew in the world that is safe."
President Joe Biden hosted the annual White House Hanukkah party, emphasizing the importance of Israel and its meaning to Jews as a stronghold against persecution.
In a recent podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the current situation of a deal to free hostages from Gaza, exploring the reasons behind this seemingly irrational decision and its potential outcomes.
The White House has condemned the increase in antisemitic rhetoric and hate crimes on college campuses, following incidents of pro-Palestinian protesters targeting Jewish students.
Historian Deborah Lipstadt, the U.S. special envoy to combat antisemitism, discusses her thoughts on the resurgence of antisemitism in America.
Tevi Troy discusses working in a White House when the president appears to be struggling and touches on combating anti-Semitism in his article.
In a recent podcast, there is a discussion surrounding the Secret Service's decision to close its investigation into cocaine at the White House, examining whether this move is truly baffling or not.
In this piece, Meghan McCain discusses various current events such as cocaine in the White House, the 500th day of the war in Ukraine, and critiques Ron DeSantis's commercials.