Tag: Zionists

Anas Saleh, a 24-year-old Staten Island resident, was arrested in New York for attempting to coerce Zionists to identify themselves on a subway car during an anti-Israel protest.
The text discusses the perception of antisemitism in recent events, highlighting a discrepancy in recognizing it.
Bernie Farber, the former founding chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN), stepped down shortly after the organization remained silent in the wake of Hamas-related antisemitic acts in Canada on Oct. 7, 2023.
The text criticizes the UK Labour Party's plan to recognize Palestine as a gesture without addressing the timing issues and lack of clarity.
June Jordan's 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde reflects on their shared activism in the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, particularly during student protests at City University of New York (CUNY) in the late 1960s.
President Biden paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel on May 7, just as the IDF mobilized into Rafah, sparking criticism from Israelis and Zionists globally.
The Israel/Palestinian conflict has its core in historical events dating back to the early 20th century, when Jewish refugees sought a homeland in Palestine, which was met with resistance by the local Arab population.
A student at Columbia University expresses distress over the toxic environment on campus following protests in support of Hamas and calls for an intifada.
An Israeli peace activist, also a Columbia University alum, criticizes the Gaza war protesters at Columbia for chanting violent slogans implying the destruction of Israel and the murder of its citizens.
Extremist rhetoric and actions have escalated among campus anti-Israel protesters, particularly at Columbia University and New York University, where student organizers have been promoting violence against Zionists.
"The Ally" is a new play by Itamar Moses that delves into campus politics and the complexities of solidarity when an Israeli American adjunct professor supports a Black student seeking justice for a police murder, intertwining the issues of Israel and Palestine.
Utah officials are investigating a cidery and bar in Salt Lake City for declaring "No Zionists Allowed" and targeting a local rabbi and kosher food truck operator who criticized the stance.
Australian Jews are on high alert after a list of Jewish creatives' personal information was published online by pro-Palestinian activists.
Thousands of activists gathered outside Columbia University to protest the suspension of campus pro-Palestinian groups and an alleged incident where students were sprayed with a foul substance.
The author reflects on a situation where his daughter's classmate accused her of glorifying colonialism because of her paintings inspired by her wife's childhood in an Israeli kibbutz attacked by Hamas.
In this discussion, Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, explores the diverging paths of the human-rights movement and Israel.
In this letter, an IDF combat soldier expresses his belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
In this article, Rabbi Avi Shafran reflects on the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas and the divisions within the Jewish community.
The text discusses the Iran Deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and its significance.
The organizers of the Golden Globes have expelled an Egyptian member of its voting body, film critic Howaida Hamdy, after old tweets were discovered in which she appeared to espouse conspiracy theories about Israel and Zionists.
The discussion explores whether Zionists can address the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, while also upholding Israel's legitimacy.
As Passover approaches, the author reflects on the significance of the holiday in the current state of the world.
This article discusses the concept of the "New Jew" in Israel, which emerged before the state's founding, with the idea that the new Jewish state would bring about a new type of Jew free from diaspora history and traditions.
This article discusses the challenges faced by Jewish communities in the 21st century and offers seven pillars for navigating these challenges.
The article discusses the issue of left-wing antisemitism, focusing on the controversy surrounding a mural by graffiti artist Mear One in London in 2012.