
A recent Ofsted review highlighted significant shortcomings in religious education (RE) in schools across England and Wales, with many schools failing to meet the requirements for teaching RE effectively.
Heather Conn Hendel, a beloved figure in Jewish communities in Manhattan and Toronto, passed away at 48 just days after giving birth to her daughter.
Descendants of Holocaust survivors, part of a community called Generations Forward, are proactively engaging with their family trauma and sharing their stories to ensure the preservation of Holocaust education as survivors age.
The article compiles sage advice from Jewish dads, shared by Instagram followers.
This review discusses a classroom drama at the Kiln Theatre focusing on four students in Iran learning English for the TOEFL exam.
The Etgar Quiz no 273 features questions on various Jewish topics.
This article discusses the qualifications of two job candidates, Jane and the author, Dan, for a position at a top Chicago law firm.
In a friendly competition between Wohl Ilford Primary and Clore Tikva, two Jewish primary schools, Clore Tikva emerged victorious with a 2-1 win in the first parents' soccer game.
Professor Dov Waxman from UCLA's Nazarian Center for Israel Studies discusses the stark contrast between the Israel-Palestine discourse in academic settings versus real-life campus confrontations, including recent clashes between pro-Palestinian protestors and Israel advocacy groups.
Future of Jewish is a free digital publication aiming to educate and inspire individuals about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
The article discusses the question of whether it is antisemitic to protest against Hillel, specifically focusing on a recent demonstration outside the Hillel at Baruch College in Manhattan.
David Lourie, the head of Collegiate School in Manhattan, has resigned amid criticism of the school's response to antisemitism issues, particularly during the Israel-Hamas conflict.
During a pro-Palestinian protest at UCLA, Rabbi Dovid Gurevich of Chabad was harassed and threatened by masked demonstrators who demanded he leave, calling him derogatory names and making violent threats.
Los Angeles Shalhevet High School's student newspaper, the Boiling Point, faced censorship of two articles related to the Israel-Hamas war by the school's rabbi and principal, sparking a debate on the limits of student journalism in a Jewish day school.
The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide of a reservist with PTSD.
Following recent anti-Israel student activities at American universities including Columbia and UCLA, the author highlights a concerning rise in organized anti-Israel activism on university campuses, with protesters endorsing Hamas and Hezbollah and defacing property with anti-Zionist messages.
The Conservative Party has included in their election manifesto a proposal to lift restrictions on entry to faith free schools, allowing them to admit pupils solely based on religion.
Desroches Island in the Seychelles is a remote and untouched paradise, home to a unique Four Seasons resort and 150 giant tortoises, led by the charismatic Big Pete.
Prosecutors are seeking to drop hate crimes charges against Maxwell Friedman, also known as Malaika, who allegedly assaulted an Israeli student on Columbia University's campus during a dispute over Israeli hostage posters.
Israeli battlefield commanders, like Micha Shtiebel of the Alexandroni Brigade, have been resorting to soliciting donated gear from a network of civilian volunteers due to delays and shortages in the IDF's supply chain, particularly during the recent deployment to Gaza.
Rabbi Gordon tells a short story emphasizing the significance of the Torah in providing strength and guidance.
The article follows Alma Doron, an 18-year-old Israeli navigating life during wartime, where the fear of missile attacks has impacted her daily routines and mental health.
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a prominent figure in Chabad-Lubavitch and vice chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, passed away at 74, leaving a significant legacy in expanding Chabad's global outreach through establishing Chabad Houses worldwide, including on over 230 campuses through the Chabad on Campus International Foundation.
In this article, Mishpacha writers reflect on the impact of sacred Jewish texts, or seforim, on their lives.
The inbox discussions cover various topics: a writer expresses disappointment over a character's choice to attend a friend's wedding instead of her boss's, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling mitzvot over personal enjoyment; a specialist highlights the importance of teaching boys to actually read Hebrew instead of relying solely on memory to avoid challenges in bar mitzvah preparation; a suggestion is made to meticulously plan a bar mitzvah guest list; the ethical issues of copying art and recipes are discussed, stressing the importance of originality and respecting creators' efforts; and concerns are raised over inappropriate boundaries in co-parenting relationships.

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