
This text discusses the enduring value of Torah compared to other investments and assets, using metaphors like the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies to illustrate the consistency of Torah's worth.
The text discusses the evolving role of women in Torah study and education, highlighting how women are now actively engaged in learning and teaching Torah across various Jewish communities, thanks to movements like Beit Yaakov and educational initiatives promoting female involvement.
Ohio's attorney general has obtained a court order preventing Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, known for its significant collection of rare Jewish books, from selling off these invaluable religious and cultural treasures.
An exploration of the Jewish career of Dr. Fernando Isaac Cardoso, as presented during the Kosher River Cruise along the Douro River in Portugal.
Several incidents have occurred this spring involving high school yearbooks that have upset Jewish students and communities.
The text discusses how the pro-Palestine movement has excelled in organizing on college campuses compared to Jewish groups, highlighting the need for liberal Zionists to learn from their tactics.
In response to anti-Israel campus encampments, there is a growing awareness in the pro-Israel community about the challenges on American campuses.
The Etgar Quiz no 272 poses questions related to Jewish knowledge, including identifying the source of Eishet Chayil, the Torah portion with the most sections, quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem, locations in Israel, the reason why the Tribe of Levi did not have land, and the food provided to the Children of Israel in the desert.
The article discusses the complexity of combatting antisemitism with facts alone, highlighting that the phenomenon is deeply rooted in emotions, cultural narratives, and identity politics.
This episode delves into the early life of the speaker's father, reflecting on how he ended up in a small town in Alabama, his experiences growing up in the South, the life lessons gained from excelling in High School football, and his journey to becoming a rocket scientist.
In Shiur 469, the discussion focuses on the challenges of learning Torah when facing various obstacles, such as life stresses, distractions, or military service.
Pro-Palestinian student groups at Baruch College staged a protest against the school's Hillel, accusing the Jewish campus group of supporting genocide and fascism.
A non-Jewish individual seeks advice on how to address their best friend's increasing antisemitic behavior.
The article discusses the increasing appearance of Hebrew in English-language books, highlighting works such as "Unalone" by Jessica Jacobs, "The Safekeep" by Yael Van Der Wouden, and "Fervor" by Toby Lloyd.
Dr. Joe Schwarcz, a chemistry professor at McGill University, has gained popularity as a science communicator despite not having a medical degree.
A satirical piece discusses a new exam at U.S. universities aimed at promoting anti-Israel activism and potentially targeting pro-Israel or Jewish students.
Exploring the significance and power behind flags, delving into various topics including dragons and Disney World in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
Israeli students studying at American campuses, including prestigious institutions like Columbia University and Harvard, have reported facing a toxic and hostile environment marked by anti-Israel sentiment, criticism, and marginalization following Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
The text describes a troubling trend of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment at Harvard University, culminating in incidents like the use of antisemitic tropes by a commencement speaker, defense of calls for intifada, illegal encampments targeting Israel, and systemic silencing of Jewish and Israeli voices on campus.
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a key figure in Chabad-Lubavitch's global outreach efforts, passed away at 74 after battling cancer.
Columbia University has settled a lawsuit with a Jewish student over the impact of pro-Palestinian encampments on campus, promising enhanced security measures including walking escorts, safe entrances, and exam accommodations.
The German government has agreed to allocate a record $1.5 billion in Holocaust reparations this year, with a focus on increased support for survivors' medical expenses.
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America.
As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish educators and communal professionals are experiencing a profound reconnection with the country.
The essay addresses the emergence of a new form of antisemitism that uses false equivalencies and distortions to paint Jews in a negative light.

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