
The German government has agreed to allocate a record $1.5 billion in Holocaust reparations this year, with a focus on increased support for survivors' medical expenses.
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America.
As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish educators and communal professionals are experiencing a profound reconnection with the country.
The essay addresses the emergence of a new form of antisemitism that uses false equivalencies and distortions to paint Jews in a negative light.
Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik, a scion of the Beis Halevi, established a renowned kollel in Jerusalem that started as a yeshivah for American bachurim.
The text discusses the importance of Holocaust education in the United States, highlighting the lack of knowledge among Americans regarding the Holocaust.
Israeli students and academics on U.S. college campuses face a challenging environment due to anti-Israel sentiments, leading to ostracization, threats, and hostility, even when they try to engage in dialogue or explain their perspectives.
Learning to maintain a poker face is highlighted as a valuable skill in various aspects of life, especially in relationships and parenting.
The text discusses the concept of flags in the Jewish tradition, drawing from sources in the Torah and Midrash.
Jewish teens in Howard County, Maryland are engaging in a Student to Student program to combat antisemitism in schools.
European student activists, inspired by the United States, have been successful in urging their universities to divest from Israeli-linked companies or boycott Israeli institutions due to concerns related to Israel's actions in Gaza.
Liverpool has unveiled its first Holocaust memorial sculpture, situated at King David High School, largely due to the efforts of staff and students.
Rabbi Joshua Berdugo, born in Miami, Florida, and a student of Rabbi Zweig at Yeshiva Ve Kollel Bet Moshe Haim, holds semichah from prominent rabbis and is currently studying dayanut through Eretz Hemdah.
In a podcast featuring Rabbi Armo Kuessous and Mrs. Debbie Selengut, the hosts delve into important questions parents should consider before sending their kids to camp, such as rules, teacher gifts, handling abuse issues, and circumstances that might lead to a child being asked to leave camp.
In 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed May as Jewish American History Month to celebrate the contributions of Jewish Americans.
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.
The text discusses a different approach to philanthropic giving in university settings, emphasizing the complexity of impacting an entire institution and suggesting a portfolio-based strategy for funders.
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, leading to a lack of appreciation for individuals who choose to combine Torah study with work or secular studies.
Future of Jewish is a digital publication dedicated to providing inspiration, education, and connection about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
Pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University have erected a new encampment, Revolt for Rafah, to coincide with alumni reunions, displaying banners demanding divestment from Israeli companies and an end to the war in Gaza.
The text discusses the changing landscape of antisemitism on college campuses and in American society, emphasizing the interconnected nature of the crisis.
This essay discusses a fictional but realistic panel discussion at a pro-Hamas rally in Canada, where attendees express views on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Choosing a school for your child involves considering various factors, as highlighted in a survey conducted by Seed in 2021 among Jewish primary school families.
Israeli scholars and historians, Shira Klein and Lior B. Sternfeld, warn of Israel's rapid descent into fascism as legislation is proposed requiring universities to dismiss academics expressing dissent.
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education, with the support of the Ruderman Family Foundation, has taken proactive steps to address the increasing mental health challenges among students in Jewish day schools.

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