
The article discusses the significant presence of Jewish immigrants in the candy trade in the United States during the early 20th century, with many establishing successful confectionery businesses that continue to thrive through multiple generations.
The author reflects on a serendipitous connection with a distant Texan cousin, Marc Glosserman, who founded the Texas-style barbecue restaurant Hill Country in New York.
The New York Times reported a story about Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies missing their kosher-certification symbol, causing confusion among consumers.
Eileen Goltz presents simple and delicious Sukkot recipes to enjoy during the holiday festivities.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is traditionally associated with festive meals rich in symbolism.
The writer, in a humorous and detailed account, attempts to recreate the traditional Hanukkah treat sufganiyot.
Cheese, an accidental discovery dating back thousands of years, is made in two main categories: acid-set (soft cheese) and rennet-set (hard cheese).
The article by Eileen Goltz discusses the evolution of Purim shalach manot treats, focusing on chocolate as a star ingredient this year.
The author shares a humorous glimpse into preparing for Purim, focusing on acquiring loud groggers for the Megillah reading and baking hamantashen with her children.

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