
Israeli-Canadian drag queen Gila Mnster, known for her drag queen storytelling events, faced challenges in 2023 from right-wing protests and left-wing antisemitism.
Canada's ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelbauer, has offered assistance to Israeli law enforcement in investigating reports of systematic sexual violence against women and girls by Hamas during and after a recent terrorist attack.
The multimedia art exhibition titled "Deeply Rooted: Faith in Reproductive Justice" at Brandeis University's Kniznick Gallery features the work of twenty-one women artists who use earth, cloth, and clay to explore reproductive justice.
A Jewish feminist movement has gained traction globally under the hashtag #MeTooUnlessUrAJew, highlighting the hypocrisy of democratic institutions and activists who have been silent about the rape of Israeli women and sexual violence by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.
The Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations held a special session to address the rape, mutilation, and sexual violence committed by Hamas against girls and women on October 7.
Lilith Magazine has compiled a list of their favorite books of 2023, ranging from fiction to nonfiction to children's literature.
The author reflects on the Hanukkah lesson learned from her mother - to shine her bright Jewish light and show the world who she is and what she believes in.
In a podcast discussion, Miriam Herschlag, Gilad Halpern, and Noah Efron explore the topics of gender dynamics during wartime and the inspiration behind creative works produced on a certain date.
Parashat Vayetze explores the significance of the mandrake in Torah, a plant with potential magical and aphrodisiac properties.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss the prolonged waiting for Israel to respond to Hamas, comparing it to historical conflicts, and debate whether the hostage crisis is bringing Israelis closer to or further from the government.
Sara Braun, a Black Jewish woman from the Netherlands, shares her journey of moving to New York City and embracing the Hasidic lifestyle, where she now works as a singer, motivational speaker, and mother of five.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, who passed away at 90, was known for her impactful career in the Senate, advocating for issues like gun control and exposing torture in the Bush administration.
In the discussion of First Day Succot, the etrog is highlighted as a symbol of the feminine principle in Jewish mysticism and linked to the theme of desire and nurturing life.
Claudia Sheinbaum, the former mayor of Mexico City and the current frontrunner in the 2024 presidential election, is poised to potentially become Mexico's first female president and first Jewish president.
Measuring success in a Jewish classroom raises questions about what defines achievement in Jewish studies, emphasizing the balance between collective standards and individual progress.
The Parashah of Ki Tetzei raises concerns about the treatment of women, illustrating problematic scenarios such as the marriage of a captive woman, laws regarding polygamy and divorce, cases of rape and dysfunctional marriages.
Avi and Phoebe discuss the Barbie movie's Jewish connections on their podcast, then delve into the prevalent mainstream conversations on feminism and body image.
Ohio liberals are aiming to amend the state constitution to allow abortions up to fetal viability without state interference, except in cases where the mother's life is endangered, as determined by a physician.
Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss the potential for national unity in Israel by replacing far-right parties with center-left ones, questioning its feasibility.
Despite a recent court ruling in their favor, women at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, exemplified by the group Women of the Wall, still face challenges in attaining equal prayer rights.
Ofsted believes that all Jewish schools have the potential to achieve a good rating, emphasizing the importance of striking a balance between respecting faith values and complying with government equality legislation, including teaching about LGBT+ issues.
Ruth Handler, the Jewish businesswoman behind Barbie, created the iconic doll in 1959, revolutionizing the toy industry.
In a special episode for the end of Pride Month, the Promised Podcast revisits significant LGBTQ+ moments and music from its archives.
The American Jewish conversation about Israel often excludes women, as highlighted by the gender imbalance in panels and discussions on Israeli affairs, where male voices dominate while women are underrepresented and face misogyny and disdain when expressing opinions.
Parents at Bialik Hebrew Day School in Toronto expressed opposition to the school's inclusion of gender-identity topics in the curriculum, citing concerns about unilateral imposition.

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