
The text discusses the immediate blame placed on those concerned about the rise of transgenderism for a shooting incident in a Colorado Springs club, rather than acknowledging the shooter's evident psychosis, such as his attempt to harm his own mother.
Hagar Lahav, a professor of communication at Sapir Academic College, talks about her book "Women, Secularism and Belief: A Sociology of Belief in the Jewish-Israeli Secular Landscape," focusing on secular believers in Israel.
The Miami Boys Choir, a popular Orthodox Jewish pop group founded in the 1970s, recently gained unexpected fame on TikTok, with their videos garnering hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of views.
The text discusses a variety of Jewish topics, including a follow-up on the role of day schools in 2022 with Yehuda Kurtzer from the Shalom Hartman Institute, questioning the definition of success and social differentiation.
Joanna Halpern Zisman, a software engineer from Toronto, created Yente over the Rainbow, the first dating site for LGBTQAI+ Jews in 2017.
The podcast "As Canadian as Possible, Under the Circumstances" celebrates Canada Day with a focus on Canadian Jewish life.
James Kirchick, author of "Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington," discusses his book, shedding light on the LGBTQ history of Washington D.C. Additionally, he touches on current events such as the January 6 Committee hearings and the changing dynamics of workplace culture with the rise of "woke" activism.
In a recent episode of the podcast, the hosts discussed political events in Israel and the UK where votes determined the fate of government leaders, showcasing the complexities of internal politics.
The Jewish community has progressed from acknowledging queer Jews to actively working towards their inclusion in Jewish law and practice.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss Israel's government failing to renew temporary regulations allowing Israeli law to apply to citizens in the West Bank, which is not part of Israel.
The text discusses the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, highlighting the impact it may have on women's reproductive rights.
Sally Priesand made history almost 50 years ago as the first female rabbi ordained in North America, yet female rabbis today still face disparities compared to their male counterparts.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the well-regulated gun culture in Israel compared to the U.S. following a tragedy in Uvalde, Texas.
The article discusses the issue of sexual abuse perpetrated by rabbis within the Jewish community, using the case of Rabbi Barry Freundel as a starting point.
Orthodox Judaism is facing challenges in holding sexual abusers accountable, as seen through the resistance to investigations and lack of transparency within the community.
In a recent podcast episode, the discussion covers the criticism of mainstream and social media's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story, followed by an editorial in The New York Times that takes on cancel culture and raises questions regarding transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.
In this edition, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss the important topics of Israel potentially accepting refugees from Ukraine, the dropping of sexual assault charges against a prominent figure in the gay community, and the allocation of government funds to make Shabbat more meaningful for secular individuals.
Lara Rae is a talented comedian who is transgender and deeply spiritual.
The text discusses the shift in focus in the public health response to the Omicron variant of the pandemic, suggesting it is more about competing visions of societal organization rather than the virus itself.
The Jewish Women's Archive (JWA) celebrates its 25th anniversary with the release of the Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, expanding on previous works to represent diverse Jewish women's experiences worldwide.
Amalia Saar, an Anthropology Professor at the University of Haifa, co-authored a book with Dr. Hawazin Younis titled "Diversity: Palestinian career women in Israel," which explores the experiences of female professionals like doctors, lawyers, and engineers within Israel.
In her article "We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage," Bari Weiss discusses the dangers of wokeness and the importance of courageous dissent against its authoritarian nature.
Brandy Shufutinsky, a Black Jewish woman, shares her perspective on feeling safer as a Jew in Israel compared to the U.S., despite geopolitical tensions.
In this segment, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss the impact of the Abraham Accords a year after its launch, reflecting on the changes since then-President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were in office.
Colt Cabana, also known as Scott Colton, has risen from his beginnings in the Midwest wrestling scene to become a prominent figure in professional wrestling.

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