Jewish Law

The author recounts a personal experience involving a fire accident to explore the concept of "middah kneged middah," or Jewish karma, where actions have consequences mirroring the initial deed.
The discussion explores the belief among Lubavitch Hasidim regarding the identity of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, as the Messiah.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's role as an editor and publisher in spreading Hasidic teachings through the Chabad publishing house, Kehot, has been overlooked compared to his charismatic leadership and global outreach efforts.
The author reflects on their first and last experience wearing tefillin at age 15, feeling conflicted about the traditional Jewish practice as a staunch feminist raised in a feminist household where traditional gender roles were challenged.
"Saving Private Ryan," directed by Steven Spielberg, at its core, portrays an act of compassion mirroring Jewish law and custom, reflecting the biblical principle of shiluach haken and emphasizing the importance of filial piety.
Ruth Calderon's entrance into the Knesset sparked interest due to her unique inaugural speech, where she shared a Talmudic legend in its original Aramaic, highlighting the revival of Jewish texts among secular Israelis.
After years of delays and challenges, an Orthodox women's EMT corps named Ezras Nashim is set to launch in Brooklyn to cater to the needs of observant Jewish women who may feel uncomfortable being tended to by male EMTs due to religious modesty concerns.
The article delves into how the traditional role of Jewish mothers, characterized by self-sacrifice and high expectations, has evolved in modern times.
The essay discusses the question of why God chose the Jewish people to receive the Torah, exploring various perspectives from different sources.
In Rabbi Elchanan Adler's book "Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy," he delves into the intricate details of the prayer for the new month, Birkat Hachodesh, recited on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh.
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.
Allison, Eilon, and Noah discuss the trend of outsourcing political activism to entrepreneurs and industry leaders who claim to know what is best for the country, questioning the role of organizations like AIPAC and whether they still serve a purpose.
Salo Baron's 1942 article challenged the common narrative of Jewish suffering in medieval Europe, arguing that despite facing some discrimination, medieval Jews were often tolerated and enjoyed privileges as a minority.
"The Mapmaker's Daughter" by Laurel Corona is a historical novel set in Spain during the 15th century, following the life of Amalia Riba, a converso girl with a secret Jewish heritage.
Avraham Grossman's biography on Rashi, a pivotal figure in Jewish history, explores the life and works of the medieval commentator.
The morning Megillah reading on Purim is actually more important than the nighttime reading, according to Halacha.
In the world of Jewish magic, the publication and distribution of mystical texts have been met with caution and regulation.
Snow days at SAR Academy are being leveraged by Moshe Rosenberg through his JudeoTech Haiku online platform to engage students in interactive learning experiences related to Jewish texts and themes.
The Israeli government is pushing ahead with plans to draft ultra-Orthodox men into the army, potentially leading to jail time for draft refusers, a move that has sparked intense controversy among the Haredi community.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, a revered figure in the Israeli Torah world, was known for his humility, deep expertise in Jewish law, and a balanced approach to halachic decision-making, particularly in modern contexts like medicine and technology.
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, a prominent Jewish historian, is remembered for his groundbreaking work on the Marranos, Jews caught between worlds.
The article discusses the recent speculation in Reform circles about whether Moses intermarried with Tziporah and the implications of such a claim in the context of contemporary intermarriage trends among Jews.
TanakhCast is a podcast that explores the Tanakh, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, examining 4 chapters every two weeks.
The text discusses the decline of Conservative Judaism and the factors contributing to it.
In this text, Allison, Don, and Noah explore various topics, including the lenient sentence of an officer who assaulted a peace activist, a heartbreaking dispute over a three-year-old Ethiopian boy, and the potential decline in the consensus on circumcision for Jewish boys in Israel.

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