Jewish Law

In this personal narrative, the author discusses the pressure in Orthodox Jewish communities to have children soon after marriage.
Judaism's complexity arises from its dual founding: first with Abraham in Genesis as a familial covenant based on promises to his descendants, and then with Moses in Exodus, where God gives commandments forming a contractual relationship with all of Israel.
The text discusses the challenges facing Masorti/Conservative Judaism in America, emphasizing that the success of religious teachings is not solely determined by their quality but also by societal influences.
In response to concerns about the decline of American non-Orthodox Judaism following The Pew Research Center's report, Daniel Gordis' piece "Requiem for a Movement" laments the perceived failure of Conservative Judaism.
The TanakhCast podcast explores the Tanakh by examining four chapters every two weeks, spanning from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The author recounts her journey of converting to Judaism and the pivotal role the ritual bath, mikveh, played in her conversion process despite initial reservations.
In a symposium on Jewish belief, Commentary Magazine highlighted the influence of Franz Rosenzweig, a German Jew whose essay "The Builders" provided a meaningful non-Orthodox perspective on Jewish law, emphasizing the transformation of law into personal commandment through practice.
Tablet HQ recently held a Thanksgivukkah haiku contest garnering over 170 entries, with recurring themes of dreidels, latkes, oil, candles, family, turkeys, and thankfulness.
Philip Birnbaum, known for his Siddur published in 1977, is a Polish-born translator and editor who aimed to make Jewish liturgy more accessible for an American audience.
Rashi, a prominent Jewish commentator who lived in the 11th century, is widely regarded as the greatest Jewish commentator of all time.
Wearing leather items like belts and yarmulkes is permitted on Yom Kippur and Tishah B'Av; only leather shoes are prohibited.
In the upcoming New York City mayoral primary, voters will be deciding on the return of disgraced politicians Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer to public office, serving as a referendum on repentance in politics.
The text explores the author's experience teaching Jewish history through drama at a Sunday school, where the director lacked a clear vision of the curriculum.
The text explores the connection between bees, sexual energy, and Jewish sexual laws, particularly around abstinence and intention in sexual engagement.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein offers a clarification following a publication referencing Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner's approach to suffering, emphasizing a sense of respect and gratitude towards him.
The TanakhCast podcast delves into the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) by discussing and reflecting on 4 chapters every two weeks, from the book of Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The author reflects on their late mother's attributes and their journey into Judaism.
The text describes a person's childhood memories of living in Israel for a year before returning to the U.S. due to their parents' divorce, which marked the beginning of a sense of exile.
The text delves into the legal and ethical questions surrounding whether a ship captain must go down with their sinking ship, exemplified by the trial of Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia.
Rabbi Joshua Berman delves into the lack of emotional connection many Jews feel towards Tishah B'Av, questioning why the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash does not evoke greater sorrow in contemporary times when Jewish life seems prosperous.
The text discusses the author's personal commitment to caring for the dead by singing to them as part of their involvement in a chevra kadisha, a sacred burial fellowship.
While the rabbinic tradition often attributes the destruction of the Second Beit Hamikdash to sinat chinam (gratuitous hatred), various sources have identified additional causes for this tragic event.
The Chief Rabbinate in Israel is implementing a new law to distinguish between dairy and parve (neither meat nor dairy) bourekas by their shape, as opposed to their traditional square and triangular forms.
The discussion delves into the biblical narrative of Nadav and Avihu, Aaron's sons who were consumed by divine fire for offering unauthorized sacrifices in the Tabernacle, sparking various interpretations on the value of martyrdom.
The text discusses the experiences of Moravian Jews in the Habsburg Empire during the 19th century, focusing on figures like Samson Raphael Hirsch and the challenges faced by the Jewish communities in Moravia.

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