Jewish Law

The text is a humorous and satirical plea to God from individuals lamenting about the challenges and frustrations of dealing with difficult mothers and the complexities of mother-child relationships.
Israeli Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has completed a 45-year project by releasing a new Hebrew translation of the Talmud, starting in 1965 and working to make the ancient texts accessible to Israelis by translating Aramaic to modern Hebrew.
Dr. Meyer Lifschitz, a kidney doctor, became a kidney donor for his sister after her kidney function deteriorated, advancing the idea of transplantation over dialysis.
The essay discusses the evolution of kidney donation in Jewish law, highlighting the historical context and halachic considerations surrounding living kidney donation.
Robert Alter's translation of the Hebrew Bible into English aims to provide a more accurate and forceful version of the text, with a focus on the Wisdom Books - Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.
The text discusses the concept of responsibility preceding redemption, highlighting the importance of acknowledging past mistakes before achieving a brighter future, drawing parallels between the biblical prophet Isaiah's approach and the actions of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
In the late 19th century, the Yiddish press began shedding light on the lives of average Jews, including stories often ignored by intellectuals.
Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik's teachings have transformed the observance of Tishah B'Av, with a focus on understanding and mourning the tragedies of Jewish history.
The Mishnah teaches that it is futile to pray to change past events, emphasizing the importance of accepting what has already transpired.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein reviewed Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" and engaged in a dialogue with Rabbi Feldman regarding their differing views on feminist halachah and secular Zionism.
The discussion delves into the historical and contemporary complexities surrounding conversions to Judaism, highlighting the ambivalence within rabbinic culture towards converts, the influence of ultra-Orthodox rabbis over conversion standards, and a scandal involving Rabbi Leib Tropper.
Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" delves into various contentious issues within the Jewish community, focusing on topics such as Zionism and feminism from a critical perspective.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.
In late 19th and early 20th-century Warsaw, the Yiddish press provided a window into the lives of average Jews through sensationalized coverage of divorce court proceedings at the rabbinical court.
The importance of kosher wine in Jewish religious life, its production process, and the nuances of making wine kosher are discussed.
The author grapples with the question of whether practicing yoga as a Modern Orthodox Jew conflicts with Jewish beliefs.
In the book "Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism" by Rabbi Marc D. Angel, the discussion revolves around the similarities and differences between 12th-century Rabbi Maimonides and 17th-century philosopher Spinoza, focusing on their views on God, rationalism, superstition, and the future of Judaism.
The discussion on why American Jews tend to lean towards liberalism touches on various perspectives.
Tel Aviv's Religious Council is cautioning against buying shofars made in China or Morocco due to concerns about the use of pig fat in Chinese shofars and polyester glue in Moroccan ones, which could make them halachically unacceptable.
The article argues that embracing environmentalism is beneficial for the Jewish community as it can lead to a more engaging and relevant expression of Judaism, particularly appealing to younger and less affiliated Jews.
After the author's brother died by suicide, his family struggled with the decision to honor the brother's wish to be cremated, which goes against traditional Jewish beliefs that emphasize the respect for the body and the importance of burial for future resurrection.
In the late 18th century, vaccination emerged as a method to prevent smallpox, despite being controversial due to risks.
A member of a chevra kadisha, a burial society, recounts her experience preparing the body of a 17-year-old girl for burial in an Israeli village.
Three Orthodox Jewish men from New Jersey undertook a challenging seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, motivated by the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the journey.
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line.

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