Jewish Law

The article discusses Rabbi Farber's defiance against the Israeli Chief Rabbinate by conducting non-Rabbanut weddings and the legal implications of such actions, including potential prison sentences.
In TanakhCast episode #68, the podcast delves into the Tanakh, exploring 4 chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The article discusses the concept of kiruv (Jewish outreach) and the potential harm in portraying the secular world as devoid of goodness.
OU Press is preparing several upcoming publications, including works focusing on Rabbi Soloveitchik's teachings.
The article discusses the concept of the Curse of Ham, a mythological narrative wrongly used to justify the enslavement of Black people by associating their skin color with a curse from the Bible.
During the period between Elul and Sukkot, the mitzvah of Etrog holds great significance as Jews flock to stores in Meah Shearim to select their own etrogs, lulavs, and hadasim, with even the elderly making an effort to choose their own.
In a recent episode of the Unorthodox podcast, host Mark Oppenheimer alongside Tablet staffers Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz delve into topics such as Ann Coulter's controversial tweet targeting Jews, the Pope's visit to the U.S., and efforts to end the traditional Jewish practice of Kapporos involving the ritual slaughter of chickens before Yom Kippur.
The article discusses the intersection of Yom Kippur, the reading of Leviticus 18's sexual prohibitions, and the prevalent issue of sexual assault in society and Jewish communities.
The narrator reflects on her former religious practices and beliefs as she navigates a parking lot in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Israel.
A New York state Supreme Court judge has allowed the Yom Kippur ritual of kapparot to proceed by ruling that there is insufficient evidence to prove it is a public nuisance.
The Altneuschul, or Old-New Synagogue in Prague, is surrounded by folklore that speaks of old stones from the Temple in Jerusalem, the creation of a golem by Rabbi Judah Loew, and a legend involving a black cat turning coal into gold and leading a man to Jerusalem.
The text talks about God's promise to David, anointing him from the lineage of Jesse, sustaining his authority through spreading praise globally, establishing his name as everlasting, elevating him above all nations despite initial rejection, and crowning him with glory as the splendor of all nations.
The discussion delves into the significance and interpretations of the Song of Songs in Jewish tradition.
Reflecting on the parallels between the Conservative Judaism movement and the Zionist enterprise, the author explores the intellectual richness and challenges faced by both endeavors.
In episode 7 of Holy Ground, host Mark Oppenheimer and Tablet staffers discuss public schools closing for Jewish holidays and a New York Times opinion piece on West Bank extremists.
The text discusses the profound impact that Rav Aharon Lichtenstein had on the author, Chaim Goldberg, despite not having a close personal relationship with him.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, ztl, was honored in a tribute for his blend of authority (koach) and beauty (hadar) in Torah teachings.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, a revered rabbinic figure, was honored at his funeral for embodying a balance of authority (koach) and beauty (hadar) in his teachings.
Rabbi Yitzchok Eisenman reflects on his encounters with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, a towering figure in Torah study known for his humility and meticulousness.
The text portrays a figure known as Rav Aharon, a revered Torah scholar at Yeshivat Har Etzion, who was initially seen as stern and aloof but was discovered to possess a gentle and caring nature.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's legacy is multifaceted and open to interpretation, with different perspectives emerging about his teachings and approach.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's legacy is multifaceted and subject to interpretation, with different individuals seeing him in various ways.
Rav Betzalel Zolty, chief rabbi of Jerusalem, compared his deep sense of loss upon the passing of his colleague, Rav Elimelech Bar-Shaul, to Dovid HaMelech's distress over Yehonatan, highlighting the irreplaceable bond of brotherhood.
Rav Betzalel Zolty, in a eulogy for Rav Elimelech Bar-Shaul, referred to the unique bond between individuals like brothers, highlighting the irreplaceable nature of such relationships.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein was revered for his intellectual depth, humility, and commitment to Torah values.

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