
2023 has been a year marked by the loss of several influential Jewish figures.
Yossi Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute, explores the future of liberal Zionism in an episode of the 18Forty Podcast.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, host Yossi Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute, discusses the future of liberal Zionism.
The author expresses skepticism about polls showing strong support for Trump, suggesting that some respondents may be falsely claiming support for Trump as a way to protest leftist ideologies.
Judaism Alive, a nonprofit organization, aims to address the growing need for Jewish leadership in North America.
The essay discusses the enigmatic episode of the Mei Meribah incident in the Torah, where Moses and Aaron are punished for their actions.
Rabbi David Ellenson, a respected Jewish leader and scholar, is being remembered for his kindness, warmth, and menschlichkeit.
The article discusses the challenges that leaders face in times of uncertainty and the need for decisive action.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg discusses the civic revolution taking place in Israel.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg discusses the civic revolution taking place in Israel and the importance of reevaluating personal goals and collective missions.
The text delves into Hunter Biden's indictment and the investigation into Joe Biden's connection to his son's business, questioning whether this will impact the president's standing against Donald Trump.
The recent attacks on Israel and the outbreak of war have put a tremendous strain on Jewish organizations and their employees.
During an Agudah convention, the topic of Daas Torah was discussed by rabbis Aharon Lopianski and Yosef Elefant.
In a podcast episode, Jewish Federations of North America President Eric Fingerhut and William Daroff, head of the Conference of American Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, discuss the organization of the March for Israel which drew 300,000 people.
Political analyst Mark Halperin discusses polling data at both the national and state levels, arguing that Trump is leading the race against Joe Biden.
The podcast discusses the current state of the presidential race and questions whether the world's increasing crises are being addressed by capable political leaders.
Josh Kraushaar, a contributor to Jewish Insider, discusses the power shift within House Republicans following the removal of Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the ascendancy of Matt Gaetz on a recent podcast.
In a podcast episode featuring Jessica Grose, a New York Times opinion writer, the discussion focuses on the increasing trend of Americans moving away from religion and its implications for society.
The podcast discusses the focus on Republican infighting in the House of Representatives regarding government shutdowns but questions the assumption that Democrats bear no responsibility for a shutdown.
The podcast delves into the implications of Hunter Biden's indictment as the latest in a series of challenges facing the Biden presidency, causing concerns among Democrats about Biden's ability to secure victory in the following year's election.
Yossi Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, discusses the forthcoming book "The Genius of Israel" co-authored with Saul Singer, which explores Israel's resilience in a turbulent world.
Canadian Jewish leaders are bracing for Israel's ongoing political crisis, particularly concerning a law limiting the judiciary's power, set for appeal on Sept. 12.
In this feature on Conversations We Love, the spotlight falls on influential radio host Ira Glass, known for creating the popular "This American Life" series.
In a recent discussion, Eli Lake analyzes the Republican primary debate, noting that Ron DeSantis performed well according to polls despite initial expectations.
Analysis of the recent Republican debate focuses on Vivek Ramaswamy's performance and its implications for the race ahead, as well as the impact of Nikki Haley's strong showing on her campaign.

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