
The author discusses his personal road map for supporting Israel and making a difference.
Rabbi Art Green, the founding dean of Hebrew College's rabbinical school, has been forced into retirement and barred from campus due to inappropriate behavior with a former student.
This text discusses the potential outcome of the next election and the support for former President Trump among his MAGA (Make America Great Again) base.
The podcast explores various attempts to halt negotiations in Washington, particularly focusing on border legislation and Nikki Haley's campaign.
In a podcast episode, Eliana Johnson analyzes Nikki Haley's recent speech in New Hampshire, describing it as unusually triumphant despite her loss, and contrasts it with Donald Trump's negative tone in his speech following a win.
Sinai Primary School in Kenton has been commended by the government for its exceptional reading teaching, ranking in the top three percent of primary schools nationwide for phonics, with 97 percent of its students meeting expected standards.
The author, Shimon, shares his passion for music and desire to work in music production, inspired by his uncle who is a well-known producer.
This article discusses six ways that Donald Trump can improve his chances of being reelected.
The Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute (KHPI) announced that it will close its doors in the fall of 2023.
The article discusses the importance of pluralism within Jewish and Israel education.
Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz attended the March on Washington in August 1963 and delivered a Rosh Hashanah sermon the following month reflecting on his decision to participate.
Jewish professionals in leadership roles are facing unique challenges in the wake of recent events in Israel.
Rav Matisyahu Salomon, a revered mashgiach, inspired and guided thousands of Jews through his teachings and leadership.
A group of yeshiva students at Chabad Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn, known as meshichisten, dug a tunnel to dispose of debris from an unauthorized expansion of the synagogue onto a neighboring property.
A personal anecdote is shared about a 14-year-old who was entrusted with caring for their rebbi, Rav Henoch Leibowitz, who was scheduled for surgery and had no one else available.
Moment Magazine is celebrating its 50th anniversary with an inspiring gala program that includes conversations with various notable individuals.
David Ellenson, former president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC), was known for his ability to be comfortable in various Jewish settings across denominations.
In a recent podcast, the focus is on Joe Biden's upcoming speech addressing Donald Trump's challenge to democracy.
A recent gathering of young Jewish leaders from Latin America and the U.S. revealed a common concern: the lack of opportunities for young professionals to ascend into leadership positions within their Jewish communities in Latin America.
Tamar Shames, an educator, shares her passion for helping struggling learners find success in the school system.
In the first podcast of 2024, the hosts discuss a controversial opinion piece and provide updates on the presidential race, touching on Nikki Haley's response to the Civil War, Joe Biden's New Year's Eve appearance, and the involvement of Maine's secretary of state in assisting Donald Trump.
The Jewish philanthropic community in North America has played a crucial role in supporting Israel during times of crisis, raising millions of dollars for relief efforts.
In a holiday podcast, individuals who symbolized the year 2023 are highlighted, ranging from heroic figures to controversial military leaders.
This text discusses the controversy surrounding Rabbi Shai Graucher, who raised millions of dollars and provided various forms of assistance to the Israeli armed forces during a time of war.
The New North London Synagogue, founded by two families 50 years ago, has grown to over 3,700 members, with a significant youth population.

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