
Jacob Rothschild was a unique figure known for embodying a spirit of universalism, generosity, and intellectual curiosity while deftly navigating his roles as an heir to the Rothschild family, a philanthropist, and a leader within the British Jewish community.
The author, reflecting on their role supporting overlooked demographics in Jewish communal life, emphasizes the need to strengthen and prioritize support for the Jewish mainstream, especially in light of recent events like increased antisemitism and threats to Israel.
In Shiur 458, the discussion focuses on the challenges faced by young Jewish girls in maintaining their religious observance despite appearing observant outwardly.
In this podcast episode titled "The Local Yokels Edition," Miriam Herschlag, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron cover the topics of the ease of getting elected to public office in a democracy, the job security of mayors in major cities in Israel, and Jon Stewart's viral commentary on the Gaza war.
Steve Kornacki suggests that there may be an overemphasis on the significance of Nikki Haley's support in Republican primaries, highlighting the distinction between primary voters and the broader Republican electorate.
Rachel Berlin Handloff, the executive director of 6 Points Specialty Camps, emphasizes the importance of Jewish summer camps for young adults amidst the rise in antisemitism.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, in collaboration with the Israeli government, has initiated a comprehensive review of the 32 Jewish schools under his authority in the UK, aiming to enhance the educational system and foster a deeper love and understanding of Judaism among students.
A discussion on the challenges faced by Israel in defining what winning means in the aftermath of their war with Hamas, featuring Moment Israel Editor Eetta Prince-Gibson and Moment Editor Sarah Breger.
Yuval Levin discusses the imminent government shutdown on the podcast, highlighting that a significant portion of the government is set to shut down on Friday, with the remainder following a week later if no deal is reached between Congress and the president, who are not actively negotiating.
The discussion panel "Jewish Priorities: Life After 10/7" hosted by Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz at the National Museum of American Jewish History focused on the tense rhetoric within the Jewish community during the Israel war.
In response to the challenges facing Jewish nonprofits, including increased demands for services, staffing issues, and outdated systems, there is a push for more flexible and trust-based funding models.
Eric K. Ward reflects on the legacy of Alexei Navalny, highlighting their shared receipt of the Civil Courage Prize and acknowledging Navalny's courageous fight for democracy in Russia despite political differences.
Chaya Chana Twersky, the wife of Rabbi David Twersky, the Grand Rabbi of the Skverer Hasidic movement in New Square, New York, passed away at the age of 81, prompting thousands to attend her funeral.
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, the head rabbi of Britain's Masorti movement, has published a statement opposing a potential Israeli invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza.
In Chapter 29 of "For Granted," Dini and Ayala discuss the need for an office to do their administrative work.
Israeli women's leadership is crucial in times of crisis, such as the aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks in Israel.
There is an ongoing debate within Conservative and Reform rabbinical schools in the US about the role of anti-Zionism.
The article discusses the idea that crises present opportunities for positive change.
The Jim Joseph Foundation has shared an update on their Build Grants program, which aims to support organizations in expanding their programs and engaging new audiences in meaningful Jewish life.
Marc Zimmet, founder of Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, has been involved in the nursing home industry for over 30 years.
The author discusses his personal road map for supporting Israel and making a difference.
Rabbi Art Green, the founding dean of Hebrew College's rabbinical school, has been forced into retirement and barred from campus due to inappropriate behavior with a former student.
This text discusses the potential outcome of the next election and the support for former President Trump among his MAGA (Make America Great Again) base.
The podcast explores various attempts to halt negotiations in Washington, particularly focusing on border legislation and Nikki Haley's campaign.
In a podcast episode, Eliana Johnson analyzes Nikki Haley's recent speech in New Hampshire, describing it as unusually triumphant despite her loss, and contrasts it with Donald Trump's negative tone in his speech following a win.

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