
In a recent podcast episode, Chris Stirewalt discusses the impact of the latest indictments on Donald Trump's future and the likelihood of his participation in the upcoming Republican primary debate.
Eliana Johnson discusses a scandal involving Hunter Biden's partner Devon Archer revealing that Hunter's father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, communicated with clients on the phone multiple times.
Pikuach, the inspection service for Jewish studies accredited by the Department for Education, has decided to maintain its practice of providing schools with one-word overall grades following Ofsted's example.
Israeli politics is facing turbulence as the fallout from a controversial judicial decision unfolds, granting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition greater leeway.
Ben Smith, editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed News and media critic for the New York Times, reflects on how social media has divided communities and fostered hate.
In a recent podcast, an unverified claim has emerged suggesting Joe Biden received a payment from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, in 2015.
Fran Drescher, known for her role in The Nanny, has emerged as a strong advocate for labor rights as the president of SAG-AFTRA during a joint strike with the WGA over issues like low pay in the streaming industry.
This episode discusses the process of Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Liozna becoming the founder of Chabad Chassidus.
Ort UK has expanded its successful Jump mentoring program to help teenagers prepare for the workforce.
The London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) had its Ofsted ranking for teacher-training courses downgraded from outstanding to good in its recent inspection after five years.
In episode 370 of Unorthodox, the podcast delves into the topic of name changes, exploring the truth behind the myth of name changes at Ellis Island.
The podcast episode "Coronation Cholent: Ep. 368" from Unorthodox features Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis discussing his experiences as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations and his commitment to interfaith work.
The podcast discusses Hunter Biden's plea deal with prosecutors as well as Donald Trump's apparent admission of charges against him in a documents case during an interview with Bret Baier.
In this podcast episode featuring Mark Halperin, the discussion revolves around Trump's unfavorable day in Miami and Bedminster and its implications for his future, including the potential impact on the 2024 election.
Chris Stirewalt shares insights on the federal indictment of Donald Trump, comparing it to the Manhattan indictment, noting the former seems stronger.
The article "A Good Rabbi is Hard to Find" discusses the evolving role of rabbis in response to changing communal needs and declining synagogue attendance.
In a recent podcast, the discussion focuses on President Joe Biden's shift in stance regarding his ability to use the 14th amendment to address the debt-ceiling crisis, a strategy he had previously dismissed.
In a recent podcast discussion, it was highlighted that Senator John Fetterman had a confusing interaction with bankers, which was later corrected by a Washington Post reporter, and Senator Dianne Feinstein purportedly voted in the Senate while recovering from shingles in California.
The podcast discusses the puzzling trend of Republican candidates not actively challenging Donald Trump in elections, questioning how they expect to defeat him without making a concerted effort to do so.
The podcast delves into Joe Biden's strategy of engaging with Republican leaders on the debt ceiling, highlighting the growing influence of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in the political landscape.
In a discussion about assessing the success of a country like Israel at 75 years, Daniel Gordis explores key components such as leadership, morality, and the complexities of governance.
The podcast discusses the recent Republican success in passing a debt-ceiling bill in the House of Representatives and highlights the significance of major news organizations providing President Biden with questions in advance.
In a podcast episode featuring Mark Halperin, the discussion revolves around the abundance of leaked intelligence documents online, their implications for the Biden administration's policies, and how these factors, alongside the challenges confronting Americans and concerns about Joe Biden's performance, could impact the 2024 election.
The recent massive protests in Israel have caused Netanyahu's government to halt its judicial reform plans temporarily.
The podcast discusses Ron DeSantis's criticism of Donald Trump's personal conduct, which marks a significant break between the two prominent Republicans.

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