
"The Salt of the Earth," released in 1954, was a groundbreaking film made by blacklisted Hollywood artists, including Jewish individuals like Herbert Biberman and Paul Jarrico, who faced persecution for their leftist views during the Red Scare.
"How to Eat an Orange" is a thought-provoking play by Catherine Filloux that delves into the life of artist-activist Claudia Bernardi and her response to atrocities.
"How to Eat an Orange" is a thought-provoking play by Catherine Filloux that delves into the story of Argentinean artist-activist Claudia Bernardi.
In this podcast discussion led by Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron, two key topics are covered: a new Israeli proposal to negotiate the release of hostages and the opposition from religious-Zionists, as well as new Supreme Court petitions that may impact the conscription of Haredim in the army.
Mexico recently elected its first president of Jewish descent, Claudia Sheinbaum, marking a significant moment both for Mexico and the Jewish community.
Jewish Currents, a historically secular magazine, has introduced a commentary on the Torah portion in response to a growing alienation from mainstream Jewish institutions and a desire for spiritual connection among its community members, despite some objections.
Ayal Feinberg, a researcher in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, analyzed the correlation between Israeli military operations and antisemitic hate crimes in the United States from 2001 to 2014, finding a 33% increase in reported hate crimes during high-intensity military action.
Despite ongoing polling following the Trump verdict, there seems to be little impact on the political landscape.
The text is an open letter addressed to 'Pro-Palestinian' social media influencers, commending their passionate advocacy for the Palestinian cause through platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
A satirical piece discusses a new exam at U.S. universities aimed at promoting anti-Israel activism and potentially targeting pro-Israel or Jewish students.
Rep. Mark Pocan has been engaging in a prolonged social media campaign against AIPAC, leveling criticisms at the pro-Israel lobbying group linked to antisemitic tropes and accusations.
Jewish U.S. Army Major Harrison Mann recently resigned in protest of U.S. support for Israel's actions in the war against Hamas in Gaza, drawing on his family's Holocaust history and moral principles.
President Joe Biden is facing challenges working with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to differences in their visions for peace in the region, with Biden advocating for a two-state solution.
The documentary "Israelism" explores the Jewish generational divide over Israel and has become influential among pro-Palestinian activists on college campuses, sparking debates and controversies within the Jewish community.
The article asserts that President Biden is showing signs of decline.
First-time Jewish voters, such as Chloe Hockfield from Pennsylvania and Noya Chirashnya from California, are grappling with their political choices as they consider candidates' stances on Israel.
A summary of the covert collaboration between Israel and Saudi Arabia over decades, detailing their shared efforts in conflicts like Yemeni civil war and Gulf War, their mutual need to counter Iran, and the potential for a future official alliance despite public hostilities.
Bernard-Henri Levy discusses the challenges faced by Israel in the wake of the October 7 Massacre, reflecting on the world's response and Israel's quest for solidarity against Hamas.
The text discusses allegations and controversies surrounding Sean "Diddy" Combs and Hunter Biden.
Hezbollah rockets have sparked fires in northern Israel, causing widespread evacuations of about 70,000 civilians from towns like Nahariya and kibbutzim on the Israeli-Lebanon border.
President Biden and the Democratic Party are facing political challenges, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza and upcoming elections.
The text discusses the role of stupidity in the debate surrounding Israel and the Middle East, using an interview between a gay man and an individual supporting Palestine as an example.
In these letters to the editor, various perspectives on Jewish identity, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, human rights, and political figures are discussed.
In a recent episode, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss Israel's ongoing challenges, including war fatigue, IDF's goals in Gaza, Hezbollah's threat from the north, and Netanyahu's political survival amidst pressure for a hostage deal.
In London, a peaceful protest of 40,000 people took place demanding the release of hostages held by Hamas, showcasing a sea of Israeli flags and a stark contrast to anti-Israel sentiment often seen in the city.

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