
Despite President Biden's proposed ceasefire plan that could provide what protesters want – a ceasefire and the return of Israeli hostages – there has been a lack of support and activism, particularly in American campuses, to pressure both Israel and Hamas to accept the deal.
Pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University dismantled their encampment after 48 hours but vowed to continue targeting the university until it agrees to divest from Israeli companies, boycott Israeli universities, and sever ties with the New York City Police Department.
The Israeli army announced that four male hostages held in Gaza since October 7 are believed to be dead, identified as Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger, Amiram Cooper, and Nadav Popplewell, with Hamas holding their bodies.
"In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon" is a documentary that delves into Paul Simon's life story and his recent album, Seven Psalms, showcasing his reflections on his career, Jewish heritage, and memories of growing up in Queens.
David Levy, a prominent Mizrahi Israeli politician and former foreign minister, passed away at 86.
President Joe Biden delivered a speech outlining a proposed deal to end the Gaza war, putting pressure on both Hamas and Israel to accept it.
A 73-year-old man named Bernie Sanders, living in Beit Shemesh, Israel, shares a name with but starkly differs in beliefs from the well-known senator from Vermont.
The text discusses the issue of whether America is philosemitic or antisemitic, using the election of a Jewish woman, Claudia Sheinbaum, as President of Mexico as an example of how being Jewish may not be a barrier to leadership.
Joe Biden's recent speech sparked confusion in Israel as he seemed to imply that Israel had agreed to a plan to end the conflict in Gaza while Hamas remained in power, causing uncertainty about the actual situation.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed hesitance towards the ceasefire terms proposed by President Joe Biden to end the Israel-Hamas war, stating that there are gaps between the terms presented and what he is willing to accept.
The text discusses the complex nature of US policy towards Israel in the context of the conflict with Palestine.
Michael Gove, a prominent British politician who recently decided not to seek re-election, has been a strong ally to the Jewish community and supporter of Israel throughout his career.
The early dissolution of Parliament due to the election has led to the derailment of three bills significant to the Jewish community.
Maldives has announced that it will prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country in protest of Israel's military actions in Gaza.
The video explores the circumstances leading to the Six Day War in 1967, analyzing Israel's vulnerabilities, threats, and surrounding tensions with the Arab countries in the region.
In Israel, a High Court hearing addressing the issue of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) avoidance of army service and funding for yeshivas took place, revealing the government's backing of charedi exemptions despite conflicting beliefs within the government itself.
Claudia Sheinbaum has made history by becoming Mexico's first female president and first Jewish leader.
Katharina von Schnurbein, the European Commission's Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life, underscores the EU's efforts to address rising antisemitism, noting various measures taken prior to October 2023 that are starting to show results.
Tens of thousands gathered for the annual Israel parade in New York City, led by families of hostages still held captive by Hamas in Gaza, including the delegation from Kibbutz Beeri.
During New York's annual Israel Parade, the traditional festive atmosphere was replaced by chants of "Bring them home" in a show of solidarity for hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
The video delves into the historical significance of the Six Day War, where Israel emerged victorious against four Arab armies in a brief timespan, leading to ongoing territorial disputes.
The text discusses President Joe Biden's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, criticizing his perceived lies and political motivations.
In this multi-part series critique, the author challenges the claims made by Irus Braverman about Israel's treatment of wildlife, focusing on golden eagles and goldfinches.
Jonathan Dekel-Chen, a dual Israeli-U.S. citizen whose son was kidnapped by Hamas in October, criticizes Israel's government for their lack of communication and support compared to the U.S. President Biden and Congress.
Tablet delves into the current state of French Jewry ten years after terrorist attacks led to an exodus to Israel, contrasting French resilience with American Jewish concerns.

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