
Jewish organizations in the United States are being urged to stop denying the Armenian genocide, especially as its 100th anniversary approaches.
In this edition, Allison, Ilene, and Noah discuss whether the center-left should join PM Netanyahu's coalition, the proposal for new biometric identification in Israel, and how to remember the Holocaust as survivors become fewer.
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions on Ted Cruz's support for Israel amidst his presidential candidacy announcement, the issue of ex-generals influencing Israeli politics, and the relevance of the Exodus story in modern Israel.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Peter Beinart's suggestion for American Jews to pressure Israel, Moshe Arens' claim that opposition to Netanyahu led to his re-election, and the anger of some Ashkenazi leftists towards Mizrahi voters.
Allison, Don, and Noah address the recent Israeli elections, questioning the true message behind Netanyahu's apparent landslide victory and delving into the role of fear in the campaigns.
The text discusses a special election panel featuring Noah Efron, Debra Kamin, and Gil Troy, focusing on the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's narrow victory.
TLV1 is offering live coverage of Israel's elections with anchors Ilene Prusher and Gilad Halpern on Tuesday from 9-11 PM (Israel time) as exit polls are released and votes are counted, featuring correspondents at campaign headquarters and special reports on voter issues.
In this edition, Don, Noah, and Allison discuss the upcoming Israeli elections and their expectations.
Yahadut Hatorah, an ultra-Orthodox Israeli political party, has incorporated recently discovered footage of the Chofetz Chaim attending a 1923 event in Vienna into an election ad featuring a campaign jingle set to a popular haredi song.
The article discusses the complex relationship between Palestinian and Israeli security forces, highlighting the ongoing coordination despite political tensions.
In this discussion, the topics covered include Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress and its impact on relations with Iran and Israel, the influence of English speakers in Israeli politics, and leaders' views on religion and science, particularly regarding Darwinism.
Boris Nemtsov, a prominent Russian opposition leader, was assassinated near the Kremlin in Moscow in 2015.
In this episode of 'The Collecting Jews' podcast, hosts Don and Noah, along with guest Judy Maltz, discuss the State Comptroller's report exposing the extravagant spending habits of Israel's first family.
This text describes the personal journey of an American Jew who wandered through Europe before settling in Copenhagen.
The podcast "Scenes from the Class Wars, Culture Wars, and Ideology Wars" features Allison, Noah, and guest Ilene Prusher discussing significant topics including ideological, class, and political warfare in Israel.
Jon Stewart, the iconic host of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" known for his sharp satire on politics and media, announced his departure from the show after 16 years, expressing gratitude for the privilege it has been.
Yeshiva University faced a financial crisis exacerbated by its money-losing medical school, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, draining $90 million from its endowment.
The podcast touches on three main topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu's controversial decision to address the US Congress close to Israeli elections, causing tension with President Obama and domestic political opponents; the discussion around V15, a foreign-funded NGO aiming to remove Netanyahu from office, sparking controversy during election time; and an analysis of the Israeli political party Meretz and its leader Zahava Gal-On's strategies for the upcoming elections.
In this discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah cover significant topics including the cancellation of a Charlie Hebdo event by Israeli bookstore Steimatzky, the merger of Arab parties in Israel, and the state of Israeli politics leading up to the 2015 elections.
In a podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Labor Party primaries, questioning if the party combining distributive justice and territorial compromise is a mistake.
Dr. Ido Zelkovitz, a Middle East scholar at the University of Haifa, delves into the Palestinian student movement in his new book, viewing it through historical and sociological lenses to understand the struggle for nationhood.
The article delves into various topics within Israeli politics and culture.
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Israeli government's decision to withhold Palestinian tax money, raising questions about Israel's diplomatic strategies.
In a podcast discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah examine the exaggerated rhetoric surrounding Israel's elections, questioning if such framing may lead to disappointment.
The article discusses the role of rabbis during the Selma civil rights movement, focusing on Abraham Joshua Heschel's support for the cause alongside other lesser-known figures such as John Doar, Bayard Rustin, and Amelia Boynton.

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