
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three key topics: demonstrations in Afula, Israel against housing for Arab Israelis, MK Ayman Odeh's visit to America and the implications for politics, and Israels participation in the Paris climate conference.
In a live episode of Unorthodox from Washington DC, Jewish food expert Joan Nathan discusses Yemenite chicken soup, Libyan Jewish cuisine, and her experiences with chefs and visiting the White House.
Three writers embarked on a trip to Azerbaijan, all returning with positive impressions despite the country's authoritarian regime led by the Aliyev family.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah cover three key topics, including the politics of purism following the passing of former MK Yossi Sarid, the 'Mizrahification' of peace with Amir Peretz's new peace plan and claim that a Mizrahi candidate is needed for success, and a discussion on a new movie depicting settlers and Palestinians working towards a "third way" to peace inspired by Rav Menachem Froman.
Dr. Hadas Cohen, a post-doctoral fellow, examines how Israeli identity is shaped by deviations from it, focusing on the case of Tali Fahima, labeled a "traitress."
Dr. Yakir Englander, an expert on interfaith dialogue and Jewish philosophy at Harvard University, discusses the role of religion in conflict resolution with host Gilad Halpern.
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss various significant topics including the resignation of a member of Knesset due to harassment allegations, the protests in Israel over a gas deal, and the controversy surrounding the belief that Yemenite babies were taken from their parents decades ago.
The text discusses how the current framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict draws parallels between Palestinians and African Americans, aiming to connect their struggles against oppression.
An email from Hillary Clinton's private server suggests that former aide Anne-Marie Slaughter proposed raising private funds from billionaires for a Palestinian state to bolster Mahmoud Abbas and shame Israel.
The wedding of Sarah Tehiya Litman and Ariel Beigel became a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of tragedy and terrorism.
Dr. Ido Yoav, a sociologist and anthropologist, discusses the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin from a sociology of emotions perspective on the 20th anniversary of the event.
In the "Did Peace Slip Through Our Fingers?" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into three crucial topics.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah deliberate on Prime Minister Netanyahu's efforts to mend ties with American Jews, the EU's new guidelines on labeling products from occupied territories, and how those on the left should react.
In the discussion titled "They Really Don't Like Us!" in Haaretz, Noah, Don, and columnist Bradley Burston explore the strained relations between Israelis and Palestinians, questioning the plausibility of a one-state solution.
In episode 15 of "On a Mission," the podcast Unorthodox features editor-in-chief Alana Newhouse discussing Tablet's new print magazine and sharing insights from its upcoming issue.
In the podcast episode "If I Divide Thee, O Jerusalem," the hosts discuss a shocking poll revealing that a majority of Israelis are in favor of transferring Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority for peace, and the potential political impact of this.
Professor Monty Noam Penkower discusses the formative period of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict between 1933-1939, during which conflicting national movements emerged in Palestine.
The text explores the dilemma faced by a Jewish individual navigating between political extremes within their Orthodox Jewish community and their secular liberal friends.
On the 20th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, around 100,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv to honor the former Israeli Prime Minister known for his efforts to achieve peace with the Palestinians.
Mahmoud Abbas assured Dutch Jews that he does not intend to cancel the Oslo Accords or demand the absorption of millions of Palestinians by Israel.
In a show commemorating the 20th anniversary of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, a discussion addresses the conflict over Rabin's legacy, questioning if it should focus on political violence or the dangers of the occupation.
The text critiques historian Niall Ferguson's biography of Henry Kissinger, highlighting how Ferguson portrays Kissinger as a reasonable statesman-hero, ignoring criticisms of his actions such as the invasion of Cambodia.
In a podcast episode titled "Standing Together or Coming Apart?" with special guest Alon Tal, Allison, Noah, and Alon discuss topics like interpreting current events in Israel, proposed changes in rape laws, and the political leanings of environmental organizations in Israel.
Dr. Ron Schleifer discusses the concept of hasbara, a form of propaganda used in the Israeli-Arab conflict, in an interview with Gilad Halpern.
In this episode, Allison, Noah, and guest Miriam Herschlag from Times of Israel discuss the challenging current events and violence in Israel.

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