
Rabbi Gershom Sizomu Wambedde, considered the first black African-born rabbi, has made history by becoming the first Jew elected to Ugandan parliament, representing the Bungokho North district.
Guest Ben Ostrower, known for creating Bernie Sanders' logo, discusses the evolution of campaign logos, particularly how the Obama campaign elevated branding in elections.
Prof. Orit Bashkin from the University of Chicago discusses a new perspective on the history of Jews in the Middle East, challenging the common narrative of these communities as caught in the crossfire of Arab nationalism and Zionism.
Michael Glassner, who began his political career working for Bob Dole in the 1988 presidential campaign, progressed to roles with the Port Authority and involvement in pro-Israel politics, eventually joining AIPAC as a regional political director.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss topics including Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog's proposal for a fence to separate from Palestinians, a secret lawsuit by the army against NGO Breaking the Silence for soldiers' testimonies, and a report showing a decline in humanities and a rise in Bible studies among high-schoolers.
Prof. Moshe Zimmermann from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores the parallels between the fragile German democracy of the 1930s and contemporary Israel, questioning if Israel is heading towards fascism.
Ruth Shack, an 85-year-old activist, is celebrated for her lifelong advocacy for the arts, historic preservation, and civil rights in Miami.
In this article, Allison, Noah, and Gilad Halpern from Tel Aviv Review discuss important topics related to emotion.
Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, gained attention when it was revealed that he stayed at Shaar Ha'amakim kibbutz in Israel in 1963.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the designation of part of the Western Wall as pluralist and egalitarian, questioning if it's a victory or compromise.
In this episode of the Tel Aviv Review, Gilad Halpern, Dahlia Scheindlin, and Noah discuss various topics, including foreign funding for NGOs in Israel, trust issues between Jewish and Arab Israelis, and the future of the Labor Party as suggested by Yitzhak Rabin's advisor.
The article discusses the firing of basketball coach David Blatt, who is a supporter of Israel and Likud.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah explore the infiltration of human rights organizations by right-wing moles, questioning what actions should be taken.
In Bringing the Heat Ep.
Anti-government militants at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon recently used shofars to signal a "call to action."
Professor Jeff Halper discusses his book "War Against the People," focusing on Israel's role in global politics as a leading proponent of a "securocratic" regime.
In this discussion, the hosts explore the demand for Palestinian Israelis to condemn violence and the ethics of such expectations.
Dr. Guy Ziv discusses the topic of Israel's political shift towards the left over time, focusing on Shimon Peres as a case study in his book "Why Hawks Become Doves."
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the controversy surrounding the Israeli Ministry of Education's decision to exclude a book from the high school curriculum due to its "racy" themes.
Rep. Steve Israel, a prominent Democratic Congressman from Long Island, has announced his decision to retire from Congress after eight terms.
The podcast "Unorthodox" highlights memorable moments from 2015, encompassing a range of topics from Drake to Bernie Sanders, Amy Schumer, Israeli cats, and the presidential election.
Vladimir Jabotinsky's autobiography, "Story of My Life," previously available in Russian, will now be published in English thanks to a newly discovered annotated draft by Professor Leonid Katsis.
Dennis Ross, a prominent figure involved in U.S.-Israel relations for decades, presents a historical analysis in his book "Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama."
The text discusses the complex dynamics in Jerusalem as seen through the lens of a walk around the city.
In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's groundbreaking visit to Israel took many by surprise, including Palestinian leaders who were aligned with the PLO.

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