
Dr. Rachel Yehuda, a prominent figure in the study of intergenerational trauma and resilience, discusses how trauma is inherited across generations and how Jewish holidays can aid in fostering resilience amidst trauma.
Paul Lang, a photographer turned flight simulation center co-founder, fulfills his childhood dream of aviation through Voyager Flight Simulation at London Luton Airport.
In 1919, Albert Einstein was a relatively unknown figure, facing doubts about his work and struggling professionally.
The video delves into the question of genetic relatedness among Jews, exploring DNA testing in the context of Jewish identity, culture, and history.
In an analysis by Mark Glass, the author delves into a humorous yet insightful halakhic question based on the popular game Pokemon, pondering if using a move called Solar Beam in the game during a battle on Shabbat constitutes a violation of the prohibition against cooking on Shabbat.
William Shatner, known for his iconic roles in Star Trek and Boston Legal, has recently become an ambassador for the "overview effect" after his sub-orbital trip on Jeff Bezos Blue Origin.
A team of six Year-12 students from Yavneh College in Hertfordshire won Transport for London's (TfL) innovation competition by proposing a project called Urban Greening, aiming to convert bus roofs into gardens with plants to reduce carbon emissions and introduce green walls at stations.
In response to the traumatic events of October 7, 2023, including a deadly attack by Hamas in Israel, Hebrew University in Jerusalem has established the Institute for Traumatic Stress and Recovery to address the mental health needs arising from these unprecedented traumas.
A Jewish individual undergoing fertility treatment reflects on the emotional journey of having embryos that didn't develop into children due to scientific reasons.
Jewish high school students, including Kate Glick and Ellianna Pell from The Leffell School, participated in the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education's Hackathon in Brooklyn, where they competed to solve real-world problems faced by the Jewish community in Israel.
Fernando Goldsztein's journey began with his son's diagnosis of medulloblastoma, leading to the creation of The Medulloblastoma Initiative (MBI) aimed at funding research for better treatments.
The article discusses understanding human behavior by comparing it to scientific phenomena like sound creation.
Maimonides, a renowned rabbinic authority and philosopher of the Middle Ages, was also a prolific physician who authored various medical works focusing on a wide range of topics such as ailments, treatments, and general health guidelines.
Gadi Roz, an Israeli reservist, is fighting two wars: one for Israel's future and the other for his 6-year-old son Meitar, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
The Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has approved a teshuva (responsum) on cannabis usage, addressing social, legal, and medical issues.
Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent scholar of Italian Jewry, wrote a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary called "Em LaMiqra" on the book of Leviticus.
In this article, the author explores the connections between Jewish mysticism and the use of psychedelics.
James B. Meigs discusses potential cover-ups regarding COVID-19 origins involving political and scientific figures and criticizes the Secretary of State's statements in Israel.
Dr. Yehuda Sabiner, a Gerrer Chasid and pediatrician, shares his unique journey combining Halacha, Chasidus, and medicine.
Professor Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown of Arizona State University has been studying the relationship between the microbiome (the community of bacteria in the gut) and autism for over 12 years.
In the discussion, Professor Dan Rabinowitz highlights the Middle East's unique position as both a significant contributor and victim of climate change.
After losing her mother to breast cancer, the author discovered she carried the BRCA1 gene mutation, which significantly increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Arno Allan Penzias, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize-winning physicist, has passed away at the age of 90.
Israel has become the first country to approve the sale of lab-grown beef, cultivated by Aleph Farms.
The article discusses the challenges faced by Israel in terms of environmental degradation and conflicts, but also highlights the potential for resilience and the opportunity to build a more sustainable future.

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