Tag: Ai

Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist turned philanthropist, engaged in a wide-ranging conversation with Robert Siegel, touching on topics like AI, his interests in birds and music, and his support for journalism.
Israeli writer Etgar Keret explores interactions with AI, where he discovers the AI believes he has written several non-existent books about strange and intriguing themes.
The article discusses the role of Judaism in providing a conceptual and ethical framework to guide humanity through technological changes.
The article explores the question of whether AI is good for humanity and discusses the various applications of AI, such as chatbots, search engines, social media algorithms, and facial recognition.
This is a comic published by Moment Magazine titled "Learning to Dance with AI."
In this article, the author explores the limitations and creative potential of ChatGPT, an AI language model, in relation to Jewish cuisine.
Isaac Asimov's science fiction work, particularly his robot series, explores themes related to artificial intelligence (AI).
The article discusses the writer's experience with creating an AI bot named MiraBot modeled after her specific identity as a millennial Jewish woman with unique preferences and beliefs.
This episode explores the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) to human society, particularly in terms of how AI differs from human intelligence and its impact on the economy and productivity in office work.
In this episode, the discussion delves into the profound impact of AI advancements and their resemblance to kishuf (sorcery) in Jewish tradition.
This podcast episode delves into the concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and explores the distinctions between AI and human intelligence.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the new AI innovation called Chat GPT, exploring why some people feel threatened by its development and drawing parallels to fears similar to those of nuclear warfare during the Cold War.
FrumGPT, an Orthodox chatbot based on rabbinic tradition and developed by Eli Hochberg, asserts that women should not serve as rabbis in line with Orthodox belief and places emphasis on their traditional roles as wives and mothers.
In a conversation with Jewish Action, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt discusses the potential uses and limitations of AI in halachic decision-making.
Israel is leading in COVID-19 vaccinations, with 20% of its population vaccinated, including two-thirds of those over 60 and most medical staff receiving their first dose.