Tag: Aliyah

A significant number of Jewish teens in South Africa are considering leaving the country due to concerns about antisemitism, the government's anti-Israel stance, lack of opportunities, high crime rates, and economic uncertainty.
The Bnei Menashe Jewish community is disputing the Israeli parliamentary report that claimed seven community members were killed in a missile strike in Northeast India.
Irving Matlow, a 96-year-old member of Toronto's Jewish community, is making Aliyah to Israel, joining 45,000 new immigrants, including over 720 since Hamas attacks in 2023.
In this letter, an IDF combat soldier expresses his belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
Staff Sgt. Rose Lubin, a Border Police officer in Jerusalem's Old City precinct, was killed in a stabbing attack.
Despite the ongoing crisis and war in Israel, thousands of Jews from various countries have chosen to move to Israel, also known as making aliyah.
In this discussion, the question of whether Israel is an occupier of Palestinian land is explored.
During Israel's 2023 war, an unprecedented display of chesed, ahavat Yisrael, and achdut was seen globally, with Jews from diverse backgrounds coming together to support one another.
Amidst the fear and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflict in Israel, a group of American and Israeli children have found solace and connection through virtual learning.
Despite the ongoing war in Gaza, Ben Katz and his wife, Michele, proceeded with their plans to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) from Cleveland.
Aviva Lakser, a young Jewish woman from Skokie, Illinois, shares her story of making aliyah (immigrating) to Israel.
The article discusses how young olim (Jews who have immigrated to Israel) are volunteering and supporting Israel during times of war.
This article discusses the response of young olim (immigrants) living in Israel during times of war.
This article features personal perspectives and experiences in the aftermath of Hamas atrocities in Israel.
The author reflects on their experience of observing two days for Jewish holidays while growing up outside of Israel, and the adjustments and challenges they faced upon making aliyah.
Israel's relationship with Russia has been fragile, but the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin has made it even more complicated.
Ahuva Strauss, a recent graduate of Rutgers University, decided to volunteer at a nearby hospital after realizing the loneliness some patients may feel.
The author recounts the story of her father, Shlomo Leib, who as a child in Motole, Lithuania, was told that when the Messiah comes, there will be a bridge made of paper for all Jews to go to Eretz Yisrael.
The author reflects on their positive experience after making aliyah to Israel with their wife.
This podcast episode explores the practical factors involved in moving to Israel, known as aliyah.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, guests discuss the practical aspects of moving to Israel, known as aliyah.
Cindy Seni is a Canadian participant on Netflix's popular matchmaking reality show, "Jewish Matchmaking," where she, along with other Jewish singles, seeks love through the guidance of an Orthodox matchmaker with the goal of marriage.
The author reflects on their grandfather's unconditional love for Israel, despite the hardships he faced after immigrating from Casablanca.
Israel's Aliyah minister, Ofir Sofer, visited Canada to promote immigration, especially focusing on Orthodox schools and synagogues to encourage Aliyah.
Israel has been experiencing a wave of immigration from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, with many immigrants opening businesses that cater to their culinary preferences.