Tag: Am Yisrael Chai

The essay discusses the origins of the popular wartime saying "Am Yisrael Chai" (The People of Israel Live) which was written by Shlomo Carlebach in the mid-1960s at the request of Jacob Birnbaum for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry movement.
Over a thousand pro-Israel demonstrators and locals rallied in north London to protect the showing of a film about a tragic massacre near the Gaza Strip, facing off against anti-Israel protesters who were eventually forced to retreat.
Deborah Ben Aderet, an Israeli immigrant from Highland Park, Illinois, shared her harrowing experience during the attack on Kibbutz Zikim on October 7 in a presentation at Congregation Bnai Tikvah.
Pesach's story of hope and redemption, as depicted in the Haggadah, has always been a source of strength for the Jewish people.
Yad Vashem UK is initiating a contest for Jewish schoolchildren to create a Sefer Torah cover commemorating the victims of the Hamas attack on October 7, one of the deadliest attacks on Jews since the Holocaust.
The text recounts a recent event in Israel where a potential attack was intercepted, likening the situation to an ancient event involving Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem.
JEWDICIOUS, founded by Michael Golden, started with a broad focus but has since shifted to primarily cover Jewish issues, news events, and personal stories.
This article highlights the significance of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, arriving during a time of darkness and challenges.
The text discusses a Midrash about the significance of animals in relation to the Jewish people.
Am Yisrael Chai, a popular anthem for the Jewish people, was composed by Shlomo Carlebach in the mid-1960s.
The popular Jewish anthem, "Am Yisrael Chai" (The People of Israel Live), was written and first performed in the mid-1960s by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach at the request of Jacob Birnbaum, the founder of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ).
During a game against the Orlando Magic, Washington Wizards forward Deni Avdija wrote "Am Yisrael Chai" (the nation of Israel lives) in Hebrew on his sneakers, in response to recent terrorist attacks in Israel.