Tag: Assimilation

In a discussion about Jewish head coverings, it is highlighted that while the yarmulke is a widely recognized symbol of Judaism, there are diverse ways in which Jews worldwide cover their heads and hair, such as hats, wigs, and scarves.
The article discusses the evolution and challenges faced by Reform Judaism, particularly in the context of assimilation and changing attitudes towards Jewish practice.
The text emphasizes the moral objectionability of the anti-Israel movement, highlighting its aim to dismantle Zionism and dehumanize Jewish people.
Eugene Korn's book, "Israel and the Nations," explores Jewish-Gentile relations and the evolving theological perspectives on engaging with non-Jewish faiths, particularly Christianity.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" explores themes of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and assimilation, with a focus on a Jewish comedian crashing a white supremacist meeting in Queens.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" which is now premiering on HBO and Max, delves into Jewish identity, assimilation, and the challenges of fitting into a society where one may not always feel comfortable.
The essay discusses the historical acceptance of Jews among Protestants, the risks Jews face amid societal changes, and the issue of assimilation in America.
Growing up with a non-Jewish name in Iran, the author was prompted to choose a Hebrew name at her New York wedding, ultimately settling on Ketura before later changing it to Esther to embody a regal and empowered identity.
The author reflects on their experiences attending funerals with their father in the 1970s in the Bronx, where they observed a sense of Jewish identity and cultural nostalgia among mourners.
Yiddish instructor Moishele Alfonso attended a celebration of Sephardi culture at the Center for Jewish History in New York City on Ladino Day.
The author reflects on their experiences attending American Passover seders in the 1970s, where the Holocaust was discussed but seemed distant and something that happened to others.
The podcast discusses the story of Moses Mendelssohn, a Jewish figure in Enlightenment Europe who grappled with the balance between innovation and assimilation.
In his comedy special "Born on 3rd Base," Gary Gulman tackles Jewish stereotypes with sharp humor.
In this episode of the "Across the Jew. S.A" series, the focus is on exploring the Jewish community in Montreal.
In an article discussing the parallels between the Jewish ritual of shiva and psychoanalysis, Professor Joyce Slochower argues that both relationships provide a holding function that allows for emotional expression without the expectation of reciprocity.
The article discusses the idea that the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabees is often seen as a fight against assimilation, but a closer reading of the book of 1 Maccabees reveals a more complex understanding.
The author recounts their experience of moving from Hollywood to the quiet neighborhood of Verdugo Woodlands in Glendale, California.
The author reflects on her Jewish identity and the influences that shaped it.
Barbie, the iconic doll, is being claimed as a Jewish feminist symbol due to her creation by a Jewish woman.
This collection of poems by Linda Pastan, published in Moment Magazine between 1975 and 2015, covers a range of themes and topics.
This article discusses a selection of novels that reflect the anxieties and uncertainties facing the American Jewish community in recent years.
The article discusses the theme of family ties and the impact they can have on one's sense of identity and freedom.
Ruth Handler, the Jewish businesswoman behind Barbie, created the iconic doll in 1959, revolutionizing the toy industry.
The excerpt is from Jerome Charyn's novel "Ravage & Son" and focuses on the protagonist, Ab Cahan, who is the editor of the Jewish Daily Forward in 1913.
The author reflects on their positive experience after making aliyah to Israel with their wife.