Tag: Commitment

The author reports from Jerusalem, where normal life goes on amidst the intensity of the war.
This article discusses the myth of the perfect marriage perpetuated by Walt Disney and the unrealistic expectations it creates.
The podcast discusses Joe Biden's recent speech regarding Israel and Hamas, praising his acknowledgment of evil.
This essay explores the concept of prayer beyond its traditional understanding as a religious act bound to specific times and locations.
Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld, a leader in Jewish outreach, discusses what the Jewish world can learn from Jewish outreach and how to engage in meaningful growth.
This episode discusses the hidden century of the Crypto Jews, focusing on those Jews who were forced to convert in Portugal in 1497.
In this text, the gang discusses their frustration with the class-based COVID response, with some being more committed than others, as well as Joe Biden's transformative agenda that he did not run on and that no one voted for.
Eliezer Finkelman delves into the concept of repentance, known as teshuvah, as highlighted in Maimonides' Laws of Repentance.