Tag: Community

In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest.
In "Where Wisdom Begins," the discussion centers on the role of religion in modern society by challenging the idea that secularism alone can solve societal challenges.
The text discusses the author's journey from idealism to disillusionment in Israel, starting with a desire to make a difference in the country but ending in a sense of cynicism and alienation towards politics and society.
Recent publications have highlighted the pursuit of happiness, linking it to understanding our own mental processes.
The author shares a conflicted encounter with another Jewish parent at his son's school, whom he deeply despises for perceived negative traits that mirror anti-Semitic stereotypes.
Shoshana Zakar, a convert to Judaism, discovered through an online Jewish discussion group that her initial conversion wasn't recognized.