Tag: Conservative

During a secretly recorded conversation at a Supreme Court dinner, Justice Samuel Alito expressed his personal views as a conservative Catholic, affirming the need for a return to "G-dliness."
A former senior editor at NPR, Uri Berliner, critiqued the network in an article, pointing out a perceived shift towards promoting progressive ideals over objective reporting, particularly focusing on race, identity, and political bias.
This text discusses the potential outcome of the next election and the support for former President Trump among his MAGA (Make America Great Again) base.
Moment Magazine is reviving its Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) for the 2024 presidential election season.
The article argues that American Jews need to reassess their political affiliations and be more discerning about the support they give to political leaders and movements.
A group representing all denominations of the Jewish faith has announced several modifications to shorten synagogue services, following the lead of Major League Baseball in streamlining rules to increase fan attendance.
In this podcast discussion of an article from The Federalist, it is suggested that the New Right should avoid identifying as conservative due to conflicting views on the use of state power.
This text discusses the academic origins of the American Revolution and the subsequent rebellion within academia.
Michael Coren, known for being outspoken and conservative, experienced a significant shift in his views, particularly regarding supporting gay marriage, leading to his departure from the Catholic Church.
The article discusses the importance of recognizing and learning from the diverse experiences and perspectives within the Jewish community, as illustrated through the author's participation in the performance of Kaleidoscope.