Tag: Crisis

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during a time of intense turmoil, like the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
The essay reflects on the concept of Jewish continuity in the face of crises, emphasizing how historical challenges led to creative responses such as the emergence of Hasidism, Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Zionism.
The author reflects on their Jewish identity crisis, which started in their youth when questioning the meaning of Judaism, leading them to atheism due to perceived discrepancies in religious beliefs.
The comic "Put Up, Take Down" by Solomon Brager portrays a hostage poster diary, highlighting the theme of a campus in crisis.
In times of crisis, it is crucial to strengthen emunah and bitachon.
In facing crises, one often seeks hope and resilience, traits that should be nurtured during calmer times to build a foundation of faith.
In a time of crisis and uncertainty, Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner reflects on the struggles and anxieties faced by many amid conflict, conveying a message of hope and purpose drawn from Jewish teachings.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Linda Gradstein, and Noah Efron discuss the push for new elections in Israel and question if it is a good idea.
Teachers in Israel are facing immense challenges in providing stability and support for their students amidst ongoing rocket attacks.
The author, Zevi Slavin, reflects on the crisis in Israel and its impact on his faith.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, various individuals from Israel, including Naama, Tania Hammer, Gedalia Zemel, Rabbi Dov Fendel, Rav Elyada Goldvicht, Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel, Jeremy and Emily Tibbetts, Sruli Fruchter, and Denah Emerson, share their experiences in light of recent terror attacks.
The text discusses various topics including the situation in Israel, a hearing on TikTok, ongoing issues involving John Fetterman, and a banking story.
The podcast discusses the worsening situation at the U.S. southern border and criticizes the Biden administration for not adequately addressing it, leading to concerns among Democratic politicians.
The COMMENTARY podcast discusses the phenomenon of "crisis fatigue" among progressives, where the constant exposure to crises does not lead ordinary people to become crisis-mongers.
The podcast discusses a series of negative events for President Biden, including three pieces of bad news within an hour on a Friday afternoon.
Faith is a central aspect of Judaism, but it is often taken for granted and not extensively studied or articulated.
In this special briefing on the Israel-Gaza crisis, Israel Policy Forum's Policy Director, Michael Koplow, Policy Advisor, Shira Efron, and Israel Fellow, Nimrod Novik, discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.
Josh Rogin, a foreign affairs journalist and columnist for the Washington Post, also serves as a political analyst for CNN.
In a podcast discussion, there is outrage over a '60 Minutes' segment that allegedly defamed Gov. Ron DeSantis and misrepresented the vaccine rollout in Florida.
The text discusses the ongoing legitimacy crisis triggered by Donald Trump's reluctance to commit to a peaceful transition of power if he loses the election, leading to concerns and wild theories about the election outcome.
This episode of Israel Policy Pod discusses the current situation in Gaza.
In the face of crisis and tragedy, Jewish resilience is exemplified by historical figures such as Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Akiva.
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, there is a call to view life as a precious gift and to embrace a new perspective.
Susan Glasser, a staff writer for The New Yorker, discusses the challenges facing American media in the era of Trump on the Tel Aviv Review.
The text explores the impact of educational theory in response to the 1957 Sputnik crisis on Jewish education and specifically Talmud curriculum.